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它原是一间玻璃公司的办公室。It's used to be a glass retailer.

最大的中立派音乐零售商人在英国。The largest independent music retailer in the UK.

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威特斯在挽救陷入困境的零售商方面很有一套。Mr. Wattles has experience with a struggling retailer.

我们直接同零件商接触,不经任何中间人。We approach the retailer direct, without any middle-man.

请给小卖店打电话,咨询一下他们的价格。Please call the retailer and find out what their price is.

其中一例就是美国网络零售商捷步达康。One such is an American company Zappos, an online retailer.

找一家有反曲弓知识的弓箭零售商。Seek out the archery retailer that has recurve bow knowledge.

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沃尔玛计划于下周二重新开放位于重庆的卖场。The retailer plans to reopen its Chongqing stores on Tuesday.

世界上最大的零售商和一个臭名昭著的折扣者。Being the world's largest retailer and a notorious discounter.

零售业和微软或者任何其他都不同。It's not like running a retailer not just Microsoft but nobody.

零售商以为她是一个身份窃贼,于是把警察都叫来了。The retailer called police, assuming she was an identify thief.

监狱生命使脇弱的零售商在桶里有益于每只蜗牛。Jail life made the frail retailer avail every snail in the pail.

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这不像是经营一家工厂、银行亦或是零售点。It's not like running a retailer. Not just Microsoft, but nobody.

出版商和零售商的数据主要是ONIX格式的MXL数据。The publisher and retailer data is mostly ONIX formatted XML data.

我们致力于成为家居零售业务的领导者。We aim to be the leading retailer in the home furnishing industry.

一个列子就是零售企业,尤其是靠低价竞争的零售企业。And example would be a retailer, particularly a low price retailer.

关于BB5系列手机显示联系服务商和RPL刷写等常见问题解决。F. A. Q About BB5 Contact Retailer Locked All Provider & RPL Write.

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它是一本,每一个零售商都会订阅的杂志。It was a magazine that would be every retailer would subscribe to it.

美国电子产品零售商“电路城”是最新一个引人关注的牺牲品。Electronics retailer Circuit City is the latest high-profile casualty.

然而,LCBO是安省最大的零售商。However, the LCBO is by far the largest wine retailer in the province.