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感恩和赞美。Thankfulness and praise.

这故事讲述的不仅仅是感激之情。The story speaks of more than thankfulness.

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请向你的父母转达我的谢意。Please extend my thankfulness to your parents.

我觉得我只是在偿还这份旧时的人情债。I'm only paying back on old debt of thankfulness.

学会从最普通的小事开始,向你的伴侣表达谢意。Learn to express thankfulness for the smallest things.

你存在中会升起巨大的感恩、巨大的感谢。And great gratitude will arise in your being, and great thankfulness.

感恩也许只是一堆言语文字,感谢却要以行动去表逹。Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.

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「感恩」要拒绝骄纵操弄,选择柔和谦卑。Thankfulness is to reject arrogance and choose gentleness and humbleness.

为了答谢热心的掌声,那个歌唱家又唱了一曲。In thankfulness of the enthusiastic requestlause the vocingist sang an encore.

我们对他做的工的反应不该充满真正的感激呢?Should not then our response to his work be one of true thankfulness and service?

母亲节的时候我们为自己的妈妈准备礼物以表达我们对她的感谢。In the Mother's Day, we prepare gifts for our mothers to express our thankfulness.

要真正的养成心怀感激的习惯,我们要更加深刻地理解感激的含义。To really make gratitude a habit, we need to move to a deeper level of thankfulness.

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在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们万世的感谢之情。Send you our everlasting feeling of grhcommerciingfulness and thankfulness on this speciing day.

这个夏天,我们心怀感激的原因之一,是今年标志了二战已结束70年之久。One cause for thankfulness this summer was marking 70 years since the end of the Second World War.

如果她扑向它,在那里嚎啕大哭,那么,由于她提供了一场乡村戏剧的素材,大家将感激地珍视她。Had she run to it to bewail herself she would have been cherished in thankfulness for a country drama.

感恩图报的品德引起连锁反应,从而改变我们周围的每一个人,其中也包括我们自己。Thankfulness sets in motion a chain reaction that transforms people all around us---including ourselves.

在一尖,第九城市对他们的支持和很多游戏玩家理解的感谢。At one tine, the ninth city expresses their thankfulness for the support and understanding from a great many game players.

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公司每一位同仁都怀著感恩的心,并且用比以前更认真工作的态度来回报这麽好的福利。Everyone in the company kept the memory with thankfulness and want to work harder than before in return for such a welfare.

在我心中永远有著很多感恩,但这一夜,我特别想令我意识到谢谢生存著的美好的你。Thankfulness for meeting you in my life! Thanks for your encouragement when i encounter weakness and sadness, though u dunno.

您每天早晨从城垛上投下的哈瓦,顺流而来,我带着感谢将它们吃下。That halwa which you CAST every morning from the battlements, and which has floated down stream, I have eaten with thankfulness.