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她的获奖小说是部卓越的读物。Her prizewinning novel is a good read.

她的获奖小说是部精彩的读物。Her prizewinning novel is a good read.

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委员会已经选定了获奖的学生。The committee has decided on the prizewinning students.

我盼望中大奖,可是却很渺茫。I hope to draw a prizewinning ticket, but very is actually uncertain.

为了这一切,我会加倍地努力学习,尽我最大的努力保护环境。For this, I'll learn hard and attempt my prizewinning to protect environment.

近年他导了多部像「潜水钟与蝴蝶」的得奖影片。More recently he has directed of prizewinning films like "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly."

现在,让我们看一些获奖的图片,理解一下为什么评委会给它们打高分。Now let's look at a few prizewinning photos and see why the judges gave them such high scores.

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意料之中的意外——第四届中国雕刻艺术节暨“惠安杯”石木雕刻大奖赛综述。The Prizewinning Works of the Fourth Chinese Carving Art Symposium i. e. "Huian Cup" Stone &Wood Carving Competition.

老肖忍不住好奇,点击进入中奖页面,一看,放心了。Lao Xiao cannot bear curiously, the click enters draws a prizewinning ticket the page, as soon as looked, felt relieved.

被奥巴马选中担任能源部长的诺贝尔物理奖获得者朱棣文今日也面临参议院委员会的审议。Steven Chu, the Nobel prizewinning physicist chosen by Obama to be his energy secretary, also faced questioning today before a Senate committee.

额外的方便消费者的共同贯穿的许多获奖作品在2006年软包装成就奖。Extra convenience for consumers is the common thread running through many of the prizewinning entries in the 2006 Flexible Packaging Achievement awards.

从这些论点来看,妇女被迫呆在家里看孩管家,受益最大的无疑是社会。From these contentions, there can be not mistrust that gild is prizewinning served when women are coerced to linger at family and see after their babies.

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口袋里有点闲钱的人注意了,你们有五天机会在巴黎距地面50米的高空享用最美味的法国大餐。For five life in Paris, those with a some more cardinal euros in their pockets can enjoy the prizewinning of French cuisine when sitting 50 metres up in the sky.

摄影还可能指出看似不相关的非凡或神奇,就像摩尔瓦多·维塔利的获奖作品——摆出舞蹈明星姿态的蚂蚁图像那样。Photographs can also point out the extraordinary or magical in the seemingly irrelevant, as in Bolucevschi Vitali's prizewinning image of ants poised like dancers in stellar form.

本文从名句“桂林山水甲天下”的获奖译文谈到“翻译是创造,是技术也是艺术”。Deriving from the prizewinning translation of the Chinese verse "East or West, Guilin landscape is best", this paper discusses translation as being an invention, technique as well as art.