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那么,什么是一餐份量Well what is a serving?

在密封罐服务勺子。Serving scoop enclosed in jar.

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为人民服务是我的格言。Serving the people is my motto.

藉著服侍其他人来事奉神。To serve God by serving others.

铲出烤肉到大浅盘中。Remove roast to serving platter.

我喜欢你的服务机,阿莱克斯。I like your serving machine Alex.

一个女仆给我们端来麦芽酒。A serving wench brought us our ale.

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正餐后还需要最后的一份吗?Need one last serving after dinner?

不确定他们给你提供什么菜色吗?Not sure what they are serving you?

人们也停止了炖兔肉。People stopped serving rabbit stew.

骄傲会阻碍你服事他人。Pride will impede your serving others.

跟从和服事主是好的。Following and serving the Lord is good.

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他上汤以前先把汤滤了一下。He strained the soup Before serving it.

侍应正侍候另一位客人。The waiter is serving another customer.

全体员工同心同力为你服务。All of us pull together serving for you.

他发球变化多端。He's always changing his way of serving.

他谴责他所效劳的政府He denounces the government he's serving.

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卤制好的肉摊凉后切开即可享用。Cool off the prepared meat before serving.

它致力于实现美国更广泛的目标。It's serving these wider goals of America.

吃之前可以撒上杏仁粉。Sprinkle with almonds just before serving.