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接下来是地板。And then there floorboards.

楼上的地板吱呀吱呀响。Floorboards will squeak upstairs.

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她把地板漆成了深褐色。She has stained the floorboards dark brown.

警察撬起地板查找被藏起来的珠宝。The police prised up the floorboards to look for the hidden jewel.

无论是下水道里,还是地板下面,都有许多耗子绕着它们蹿来蹿去。The rats skittered around them in the drains and under the floorboards.

她用鞋跟使劲地踩了一脚它的尾巴,把它的尾巴踩碎在地板上。She brought the heel of her shoe down hard on its tail, crushing it against the floorboards.

我听到头边的地板吱吱作响,但还是不敢动。I heard the floorboards creak by my bed where my head was laying exposed, I still couldn't move.

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休在楼上,她从他们的卧室出来走向浴室时候,楼板被压的吱吱响。Above, the floorboards creaked, Sue's footsteps as she walked from their bedroom to the bathroom.

外面确切地传来两个男人的脚步声,还有狗链在地板上拖动的哗啦声。There were actually two sets of men's footsteps, and a clattering of dog's nails on the floorboards.

堵是常事,取暖管道可能是劣质的,管道经常被安置在离地板很近的地方。Blockages are common, plumbing work can be shoddy, and pipes often are placed too close to floorboards.

广泛的35英寸的轴距和股票地板的其他功能,包括安全和骑士的舒适度。A wide 35-inch wheelbase and stock floorboards are other features included for safety and rider comfort.

我们把古老的地板涂成了白色改善了这个房间的光线。We have painted the ancient floorboards white, which has made a huge difference to the light in the room.

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穿过黑漆漆的屋子时,他心提到了嗓子眼,老旧的木地板在他脚下发出吱吱的响声。His pulse throbbed in his throat as he crossed the dark room, the old floorboards creaking under his feet.

平台框架一搭设完成,我就开始安装1平米镶有舌榫的黄松木地板。Once my platform frame was complete, I began installing 2 x 6–inch tongue-and-groove yellow-pine floorboards.

有时,用一种叫做暗钉的方法来固定木板,即将钉帽隐藏起来。Another method sometimes used for fixing floorboards is known as secret nailing, where the nail heads are hidden.

这是川崎市亚视强调其运动的设计,以及其广泛的立场,更大的轮胎和充分地板。This Kawasaki ATV is highlighted by its sporty design, as well as its wide stance, larger tires and full floorboards.

我们把古老的地板涂成了白色改善了这个房间的光线。Not a problem. We have painted the ancient floorboards white, which has made a huge difference to the light in the room.

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地板上,有来来回回的奔跑声及走路声。夜间,古老的硬木地板发出咯吱咯吱的声音。Reports of running and walking across the hardwood floors as the aged wood floorboards creak and crack during the night.

你不可能完全清除地上的污迹,所以他们尽量洗干净,然后在表面漆上一层密封剂。You can't physically remove all the stains from floorboards so they clean it as best the can and paint a sealant on the top.

“自然行”微晶生态地板,一经上市就广受欢迎,已广泛用于宾馆、酒店、会议室、办公楼、家庭住所等装饰装潢。Naturally-Walk Floorboards have been widely used in hotels, restaurants, conference rooms, office buildings and private homes.