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赵连海犯了什么罪?Zhao's crime?

而他的罪行呢?And his crime?

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那是激情犯罪。Crime of passion.

预防犯罪。Crime prevention.

另一项成本是犯罪。Another cost is crime.

她阅读了犯罪档案。She reads crime files.

我是指犯罪现场。I mean the crime scene.

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贫非罪。Poverty is not a crime.

就能够在哪里被忘尽。The crime can be forgot.

他因什么罪而蹲监狱的?What crime is he in for?

犯罪率是25年来最低的。Crime is at a 25-year low.

那是激情犯罪。It was a crime of passion.

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贫民窟是常发生犯罪的地方。Slums are hotbeds 0f crime.

犯罪是预谋好的。The crime was premeditated.

及时缝一针,免得遇色狼。A stich in time saves crime.

偷税漏税也是一种犯罪。Tax evasion is also a crime.

涤尽渣滓罪﹐斩绝恶萌芽。Wash off the dregs of crime.

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他所写的报道与罪行有关。His story bears on the crime.

饥饿迫使他犯罪。Hunger impelled him to crime.

为什么说过量生产“罪大恶极”?Why over-production is crime?