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龙眼是木雕良材。Longan is wood timber.

桂圆又名龙眼。Longans , also known as longan.

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桂圆能养心安神。Longan nourishes the heart and calms the mind.

龙眼木雕以圆雕为主,也有浮雕、镂透雕。Longan woodcarving Yuandiao, relief, Toudiao, also have.

心虚气不足,粥加桂圆肉。Given the fragile gas shortage, add dried longan meat porridge.

龙眼肉能养血安神。Longan tranquilizes the disturbed mind by nourishing the blood.

说着,她从盒子里掏出一个龙眼大的珠子。Say, she is from the box in take out a bead with big longan son.

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龙眼是一种小型白色的水果,而且它只生长在东南亚。Longan is a small white fruit, and it grows in Southeast Asia only.

那里,200多棵龙眼树横七竖八地倒在果园中。There, more than 200 trees fell into disorder longan trees in the orchard.

我的饮料,用龙眼肉,做原料,不用蔗糖。My beverage, use the longan meat, do the raw material, need not cane sugar.

在田间和试验室条件下研究了龙眼叶片的光合作用特性。Previous study in our laboratory has shown that Longan Dimocarpus Longan Lour.

新鲜和干龙眼龙眼肉比易发火的优势。Fresh and dried longan Longan meat compared with the advantages of easy to get angry.

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桂圆红枣茶有改善血液循环、安定精神之功效。Red dates and longan tea helps to improve blood circulation and restore body balance.

在龙眼生产上,果粒大是影响品质的一个重要因素。The large seed in longan fruit is the most important factor impacting on its quality.

“龙眼大补”,“食品以荔枝为贵,而资益则龙眼为良。”"Longan Dabu" and "food for your lychee, and Funding for the benefit of longan is good.

果皮褐变是影响龙眼采后贮藏寿命的最主要因素。Pericarp browning is the most important factor affecting the shelf-life of longan fruit.

采用石蜡切片法研究小核龙眼胚胎发育的特点。The development characters of small- nutted longan embryo were studied by paraffin method.

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对福建省781个柑橘园和315个龙眼园的土壤进行分析。The soils of 781 citrus orchards and 315 longan orchards in Fujian Province were analysed.

随着工艺品的收藏的急剧升温,龙眼木雕的市场也越来越被看好。Along with the art collection warms up quickly, longan wood market is more and more valued.

没吃是黄色,吃了是白色,吐出是棕色。小朋友们,你们知道是什么吗?是桂圆。Yellow food, eating is white, is a brown out. Children, you know what is it? Is the Longan.