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咖啡馆式的图书架。The Cafe Shelf.

他跳离架子。He bounces off the shelf.

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放在这儿,这个架子上。Put it here on this shelf.

放在这儿,这个架子上。Put it here, on the shelf.

这个盒子可以放在搁板上。The box can go on the shelf.

书架上堆满了书籍。The shelf groans with books.

一本书从架子上掉了下来。A book tumbled off the shelf.

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钟从架子上摔了下来。The clock fell off the shelf.

这些杯子应放在橱架上。The cups belong on the shelf.

靠近窗户边上有一个搁架。Next to the window is a shelf.

把书放回书架上。Replace the book on the shelf.

他从书架上偷了本书。He stole a book from the shelf.

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皮球跳离架子。The ball bounces off the shelf.

书架上有多少本书啊?How many books are on the shelf?

把字典放在书架上。Put the dictionary on the shelf.

它们都在何处的阿谁货架上。They are all there on the shelf.

中银大厦在香港是最高的。The note is on the topmost shelf.

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他把书放回书架上了。He replaced the book on the shelf.

时钟在搁板上滴嗒嘀嗒地响着。The clock ticked away on the shelf.

畅销书的书架在哪?Where is the shelf of best-sellers?