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做一个餐垫。Make a place mat.

一张五颜六色的席子做!A colourful mat is done!

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我可以借一床海滩草席吗?Can I borrow a beach mat?

垫鼻子有后遗症吗?Does mat nose have sequela?

一条草席当床铺用。A straw mat did duty for a bed.

我睡在厨房的一块垫子上。I slept in the kitchen on a mat.

起来收拾你的褥子。Get up and take care of your mat.

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请在垫子上蹭一蹭脚。Please wipe your feet on the mat.

草席边沿翘起来了。The edge of the mat is cocked up.

我每天晚上都要在跳舞毯上跳舞。I dance on my dance mat every day.

鲍博将杰克平摔在垫子上。Bob body-slammed Jack onto the mat.

把想播放的唱片放到唱盘垫上。Place a record on the turntable mat.

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钢板两边用垫木搭架子。Steel plate with mat which side. Wood.

我妈妈每个礼拜都要清洁浴室防滑垫。My mother cleans the bath mat every week.

如购买防滑垫,可接受价格是?What is the acceptable price for the mat?

并且也可以制成光泽的或无光泽的。In addition, they can be lacquered or mat.

试着将手指抬离垫子。Try raising the pinky fingers off the mat.

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每个人都备有一个垫子,并配有重物和腕带。Each person has a mat with weights and bands.

必须把这张席子的边钉上。This mat has to be hammered down at the edges.

脚垫及凉席不易滋生细菌。Bacteria are hard to breed on foot mat and mat.