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这只是自我调节的一部分而已。It’s all part of the conditioning.

那么经典条件作用有何作用?What's classical conditioning for?

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工具性条件作用则是有机体的自发行为。Instrumental conditioning is voluntary.

这就是操作性条件反射。That's how operative conditioning works.

配有独立调试冷暖空调。Air conditioning with separate debugging.

这块嵌板可以控制空调的温度。This panel controls the air conditioning.

空调在你头上一个劲地吹。and they have the air conditioning blasting.

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是的,为了调节和预防再次受伤。Yeah for conditioning and to prevent reinjury.

新的公寓有中央空调。The new apartment has central air conditioning.

教堂的冷气机需要保养。The chapel's air conditioning needs maintenance.

这种润丝洗发液对头皮有益。This conditioning shampoo is good for the scalp.

行为条件贯穿在整个游戏中。Operant conditioning occurs all throughout games.

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他接受的就是以经典条件作用,为原理的行为治疗。And the therapy he gets is classical conditioning.

我们该如何看待经典条件作用?So, what do we think about classical conditioning?

未觉醒的人被制约利用。The unawakened one is made use of by conditioning.

经典条件作用随处可见。Classical conditioning shows up all over the place.

所以这种限制条件真的很差劲。So that type of limiting conditioning really sucks.

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如需加上护发素以及吹干则要再加上五分钟。Conditioning and a blow-dry add another five minutes.

有人介意我开冷气吗?Does anyone mind me turning on the air conditioning ?

我的汽车已安装上空调了。My car has been summerized by adding air conditioning.