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她干吗那么紧张?Why's she so uptight?

你的太太说,“为何这么紧张?What are you so uptight about?

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我的前任老板是一个很爱烦躁的人。My ex-boss was a very uptight person.

这就是光头老们比一般人聪明的原因。This is the reason baldheaded men are uptight.

紧张的男人喝白酒,入侵别国。Uptight men drink alcohol and invade another country.

最初,赫敏似乎很爱炫耀自己的聪明。At first, Hermione seemed like a very uptight show-off.

紧张的女人吃巧克力,入侵购物中心。Uptight women eat chocolate and invade shopping centres.

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他女儿那些外表邋遢的男朋友们令他紧张不安。He was very uptight about his daughter's scraggly -looking boyfriends.

咖啡馆只有在圣地亚哥才能经营,因为这里太保守了。Coffee bars will only work in Santiago, because Chileans are so uptight.

挪威人、丹麦人和荷兰人都认为瑞典人愚蠢又严肃。The Norwegians, Danes and Finns all think the Swedes are stupid and uptight.

他完全是那种极端保守的人,一个典型的德国的小资,外加一个贪婪的老婆。He was totally uptight and a typical German petty-bourgeois. With a greedy wife.

我不知道他是什么人,但他穿着整齐拘谨的西装,带着公文包。I am not sure he is ag-man, but he was wearing a really uptight suit and carrying a briefcase.

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我想也许我不用对这件事这么紧张,只要应了这家伙就行了。I was thinking maybe I should stop being so uptight about the whole thing and just BONE the dude.

顶着一头玛丽莲·梦露式的金发,一身紧身衣,平日里紧巴巴的啦啦队女教头摇身展现出她更鲜活的一面。With her blonde Marilyn Monroe-style curls and sharp suit, the normally uptight cheerleading coach shows a side.

德国人——欧洲其他国家人认为德国人勤奋、严谨、缺乏幽默感。The Germans — Germans are considered industrious but uptight and humorless, by just about all the other Europeans.

顶着一头玛丽莲·梦露式的金发,一身紧身衣,平日里紧巴巴的啦啦队女教头摇身展现出她更鲜活的一面。With her blonde Marilyn Monroe-style curls and sharp suit, the normally uptight cheerleading coach shows a racier side.

每年的这个时候,严格限制你的饮食和体重只会给你带来更多的麻烦,远比你所收获的要多。Around this time of year being uptight about your diet and weight is only going to cause you more trouble than it’s worth.

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突然上讲台的焦虑和拘谨将会转化为紧张的声音,使人显得精神极度紧张或不安。Being uptight and stiff before you hit the stage will translate in a strained voice and someone who is obviously a nervous wreck.

萨莉是一位金发女郎,有着甜美的微笑,安分守己,极有组织性和条理性,她早已计划好了整个行程。Sally is blonde, smiley , clean-living, structured and very organized in an uptight way and she has already planned the entire trip.

此前,中国粮食供需的总体形势虽有所缓和,但并没有根本好转。Although the uptight relationship of supply and demand of grain in China was abated , the overall situation was still not satisfying.