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我们得重订和这医生的约会。We had to reschedule the doctor's appointment.

恐怕我们得重新安排这次会诊时间。I’m afraid we’ll have to reschedule the consultation.

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我希望我们能改到下个月初。Well, I was hoping we could reschedule for early next month.

我明白了。要不要另外为你安排别的晚上。I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night?

你是否更愿意我们把会议改到下星期呢?Would you prefer that we reschedule the meeting for next week?

还有一件事,如果我没有时间,我能重新安排我的课程吗?One more thing, can I reschedule the course when I'm not available?

对不起,我必须重新安排与....见面。I'm sorry,I must reschedule my appointment with Mr.Cooper on Wednesday.

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事情有所变化,弗兰克林太太星期二没空儿。我们需要重新约定时间。As it turns out, Mrs. Franklin is not available on Tuesday. We need to reschedule.

如果你的用色师抽离一个编织夹子和塑料瓶盖,其他人要重定时间表。If your colorist pulls out a crochet hook and a plastic cap, reschedule with someone else.

如果可能的话,我将在彼此方便的时间下举行补考。We will do everything possible to reschedule the missed Quiz at a mutually convenient time.

我突然必须去欧洲出差。可以的话,希望可以改约在我回来之后。I have suddenly been asked to go to Europe first. May I reschedule our meeting when I get back?

只有在重新调度是在两个进程间进行的时候,进程上下文才被转换。The process context only needs switching if a reschedule is between threads in different processes.

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还记得我们原本要在礼拜五会面吗?有其他事发生了,我在想我们能否另订时间。Remember we were supposed to meet this Friday?Something came up and I was wondering if we could reschedule.

随后他们就可以重新安排请求、取消请求、将其转移到另外一个房间,甚至还可将其转移给其他人。They can now reschedule the request, cancel it, move it to another room, or even transfer it to someone else.

但是,汇丰银行的发言人琼说,汇丰银行上星期四接到电话被告知弗洛克哈特需要重新安排时间。But, HSBC spokeswoman To Quynh says, last Thursday, HSBC got a call saying Flockhart would have to reschedule.

中国已经同意在今年晚些时候与欧盟重新商定峰会的日程,但萨科奇还没有被原谅。The EU and China have agreed to reschedule their summit for later this year, but Mr Sarkozy is not yet forgiven.

最后但并非最不重要是,我会更改会议时间或将会议推迟,以便我可以逗留并最大限度的提供帮助。Last but not least, I’ll look for meetings I can reschedule or cancel so I can stick around to help with coverage.

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考生可以在线选定、修改参加考试的时间或者取消某次考试,也可以在网上看到或打印出他们报名的各种确认信息。Test takers can schedule, reschedule or cancel a test as well as view and print a confirmation with all their appointment details.

此举迫使联合国放弃几个会议议程,并对其它几个议程重新安排,以给发达国家更多的时间来讨论减排。The move forced the UN to abandon several sessions and reschedule others to give rich countries more time to debate emissions cuts.

天气状况甚至迫使奥巴马总统改变星期三前往宾夕法尼亚州一所大学的旅行计划。The weather conditions even forced President Barack Obama to reschedule a trip planned for Wednesday to a university in Pennsylvania.