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为什么我们想要追溯?Why do we want traceability?

可跟踪性和可审核性是关键。Traceability and Auditability is key.

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用于追溯的必备条件是什么?What are the prerequisites for traceability?

什么是食品安全可追溯体系?What is the traceability system of food safety?

这提供了这个阶段的可追溯性链接。This provides traceability linkage in this phase.

值得信赖的透明度超过令人厌倦的跟踪机制Trustworthy Transparency over Tiresome Traceability

这样使变更设置有更好的跟踪性。This enables better traceability of the change sets.

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可跟踪性和可审核可以以一种统一的方式实现。Traceability and Auditability can be achieved in a unified manner.

追溯性不应该驱动您编制需求的方法。Traceability should never drive the way you document requirements.

采纳某种版本跟踪实践,实现定义的可追溯性。Adopt a practice of versioning and traceability for the definitions

针对交付链中重要点的工件可追踪性Artifact traceability to points of accountability in the delivery chain

信息要素之间的可追溯性是受限的,或不存在的。Traceability among information elements is either limited or non-existent.

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基线和包的名字需要同步以支持可跟踪性。Baselines and package names should be synchronized to support traceability.

对确信因子值的判定受到可溯性类型的影响。Decisions about sureness factor values are influenced by traceability type.

如您所见,“可追溯性”是非常一般化的概念,容易理解。As you can see "traceability" is a very generic concept, easy to understand.

现今,并没有一种标准化的方法能够实现对可追踪性信息进行的捕获。Currently there is no standard way to capture this traceability information.

RPX也能够用来维护需求之间的可跟踪性。The RPX can also be used to help maintain traceability between requirements.

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该白皮书略述了各种各样可追踪方法,你可以随需而用。The paper outlines various traceability approaches, depending on your needs.

彩色编码的核心理由是产品及过程的可追溯性。At the core of my reasons for color coding are product and process traceability.

有关正式跟踪矩阵的话题,往往能在敏捷社区中激起强烈的反响。A formal traceability matrix often evokes strong response from the Agile community.