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第七章去布里斯托尔途中。VII I Go to Bristol.

她出生于布里斯特尔。She was born in Bristol.

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布里斯托尔位于英兰西。Bristol is in the west of England.

对有些人来说,征程可能不会远于布里斯托。Some might get no farther than Bristol.

洛拉是在布里斯特尔郊区长大的。Laura grew up in the suburbs of Bristol.

我买一张去布列斯托的儿童来回票,可以吗?May I have one child returns to Bristol?

你这次事成之后肯定不敢再在布里斯托尔露面了。You daren't show face in Bristol after this. '

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我刚来这儿的时候,搬去了布里斯托。Well, I moved to Bristol when I got here first.

我们于一六九九年五月四日从布里斯托出发。We set out from Bristol on the 4th of May, 1699.

莎拉说什么,布里斯托尔都照做。Sarah says something, Bristol is going to follow.

他们向塞文河上游驶去,从布里斯托尔港到格洛斯特。They went up the Severn from Bristol to Gloucester.

本人们畴前住在布里斯托尔,但如今住在伦敦。We used to live in Bristol but now we live in London.

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我们将早早出发,午饭前朝布里斯托尔前进。We'll start early and make for Bristol by lunch time.

当我们飞过布里斯托尔时那小孩睡着了。Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.

火车在去布里斯托的路上要经过里丁。The train passes through Reading on its way to Bristol.

他们分开这个地域,迁居到布里斯特尔了。They have left this district and gone to live in Bristol.

小家伙一飞到布里斯托就睡着了。Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol.

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前往新港和加的夫的旅客请在布里斯托大道换车。Passengers for Newport and Cardiff change at Bristol Parkway.

来自亲赛艇运动员布里斯托尔通常排在混合四队。The pro rowers from Bristol usually row in a mixed four team.

现在这种植物仅只在布里斯托海峡的廊荻才能找到。This plant is now found only on Lundy in the Bristol Channel.