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佩里克是一个才智惊人的作家。Perec was a frighteningly clever writer.

对很多工人而言,吉特勒式的经历是再熟悉不过的了。For many workers, Gittler's experience is frighteningly familiar.

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看看那个令人震惊的黑白年轻人头像,知道吗?Look at that frighteningly intense young man there in black and white.

除了令人害怕的肉身能力外,德奇就是一座会行走的军火库。In addition to Durge's frighteningly powerful physical abilities, he was a walking arsenal.

即使是依靠步行,他们依靠迅疾之足也可以进行另人恐惧的高速行军。Even when on foot, the Dark Eldar are frighteningly fast with their Fleet of Foot special rule.

然而,成年人的欺负行为,包括职场欺负行为,普遍程度骇人听闻。However, adult bullying, including bulling in the workplace, is a frighteningly common occurrence.

这种恐怖而又简单的攻击使攻击者给网络带来了巨大的危害,后面将会描述到。This frighteningly simple procedure enables the hacker to cause a variety of networking woes, described next.

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您可以再次发现,对攻击者一方而言,只需少得惊人的资源就可以执行这种攻击。Again, you can see that this attack can be performed with frighteningly few resources on the part of the attacker.

强烈反对这一现实的异性恋的男人,他要么是在深深的否定这一点,要么是他的睾丸素低得吓人。Any heterosexual man who argues against this reality is either in deep denial or has a frighteningly low testosterone level.

站在这块小木头上,离前面的湖只有四英尺远,木头小得让我恐惧,如果再向前一点,我估计就可以在河里畅游一翻了。I'm standing on a frighteningly skinny log four feet above a stream, and there's a good chance I'm about to take an unscheduled swim.

尽管有时看起来瘦得吓人,这些病人们围着花园中的大桌子玩扑克牌、说说笑笑时都面带笑容。The patients, while some look frighteningly thin, are smiling and joking as they sit playing card games round a large table in the garden.

由于银河系从来不乏垃圾,因此巨大的代亚诺加在大型都市区深处是常见的恐怖威胁。Since there is no shortage of garbage in the galaxy, giant dianogas are a frighteningly common threat in the depths of large metropolitan areas.

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谁也不会告诉思嘉,说她自己的个性尽管有可怕的致命弱点,可是跟她所能采用的任何伪装相比,仍然更有吸引力。There was no one to tell Scarlett that her own personality, frighteningly vital though it was, was more attractive than any masquerade she might adopt.

她知道自己到不了村子里,也没有会听到她的哭喊声。她和这个令人害怕的陌生人静静呆在这与世隔绝的屋子里。She knew she'd never make it to the village, and no one would hear if she cried out. She was alone, completely alone with this frighteningly silent stranger.

尽管里根先生的极端凯恩斯主义美国导致大量充分的就业,但他失衡的贸易和预算帐目令人咂舌。Although Mr Reagan's ultra-Keynesian America is barrelling along towards full employment, all its trading and budget accounts are frighteningly out of balance.

准备拒绝灯光,曲柄了环绕声和自己沉浸在2005年的大部分大气的游戏。你正处于一个令人震惊的好时机!Get ready to turn down the lights, crank up the surround sound and immerse yourself in 2005's most atmospheric game yet. You are in for a frighteningly good time!

没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人,今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。The foliage, which, in a moonless night, would loom somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than a thin, grayish well.

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没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光还是淡淡的。The foliage, which, in a moonless night, would loom more somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than a thin, grayish veil.

鹰蝠和花岗石蛞蝓在林立的城市高楼中生存。科洛桑下层深处充满了可怕的有害生物,它们在没有阳光的条件下进化。Hawk-bats and granite slugs dwell in the urban jungle, and the lower depths of Coruscant are filled with frighteningly unwholesome creatures that have evolved deprived of sunlight.

多亏了粉丝们的狂热追捧,这款游戏在上架的五天时间里就取得了超过五亿美元的销售额,也让这款游戏成为了有史以来发售销量最大的游戏。Thanks to a frighteningly devoted following, the game made more than half a billion dollars in its first five days on the shelves, making it the biggest entertainment release ever.