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今天我参加了一个招聘会。Today I attended a job fair.

我们全体都参加了会议。We all attended the meeting.

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他出席莫尔豪斯学院。He attended Morehouse College.

出席演讲会的人很不少。The lectures were well attended.

你参加过佛法课程吗?Have you attended Dharma classes?

她得到良医的治疗。She is attended by a good doctor.

讲座参加的人很多。The lectures were well- attended.

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仆人服侍他们的老爷。The retainers attended their lord.

他曾就读于美国海军学院。He attended the U.S. Naval Academy.

宁岱参加了剧本创作。Ning Dai attended a play to create.

她上周末参加了毕业舞会。She attended the prom last weekend.

我父母都没上过大学。Neither of them attended university.

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各色人等参加了那个会议。A mix of people attended the meeting.

许多著名人士参加了招待会。Many notables attended the reception.

护士每天照看着这病人。The nurse attended the patient daily.

他们一起参加音乐会。They have attended concerts together.

我2003参加了南通大学。I attended Nantong University in 2003.

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罗琳在埃克塞特读了大学。Rowling attended university in Exeter.

我会杨胜军副会长出席会议。Vice President Yang Shengjun attended.

而那些从未参加过宗教活动的人平均只有1.67个孩子。and those who never attended had 1.67.