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我赶紧拭干了泪。I hasten drying of the tears.

你赶快到国王这边来。Do thou hasten to the king's side.

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我急速地赶向安宁之地。I hasten to go to the peaceful spot.

请催促他们把样品发过来。Please hasten them to send the sample.

它有自己的任务要完成,必须加紧脚步。It has its work to finish and must hasten on.

新的民族主义只会加速这一过程。The new nationalism can only hasten the process.

我急着要告诉你的是你的汽车找到啦。I hasten to tell you that your car has been found.

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我急忙遵守你的命令,并不迟延。I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.

我把梦幻丢在身后,来奔向你的呼唤。I leave behind my dreams and I hasten to your call.

我必速速逃到避所,脱离狂风暴雨。I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest.

这次危机使我们有机会加速这一进程。The crisis gives us the opportunity to hasten this process.

最后我才急忙赶来,唯恐你的门已经关上At the end of the day I hasten in fear lest thy gate be shut

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离开了他,谁能有吃的呢?谁能享乐呢?For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?

它的股东们将很快有一个机会来加速这一进程。Its shareholders will soon have a chance to hasten the process.

我赶紧取下妈妈的花丝巾,向孔雀抖动着。I hasten to remove the mother's flower scarf to shake the peacock.

把肉汁在冰箱中放一小时以加快冷却。Put the hot broth in the refrigerator for an hour to hasten cooling.

校园的和谐能促进学校事业的全面协调健康发展。The diapason of the campus can hasten the development of the college.

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非常高兴听到你订婚的消息,谨致上我虔诚的祝福。I was to hear of your engagement, and hasten you my earnest congratulations.

经典的世嘉招牌游戏索尼克登陆FLASH平台了,大家赶紧来尝鲜。Sega signs classic game Doom FLASH landing platform, we hasten to Changxian.

我们忙去采花,怕被过路的风偷走。We hasten to gather our flowers lest they are plundered by the passing winds.