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这一数字非比寻常。That's unusual.

这是不寻常的。This is unusual.

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但这是不寻常的。But this is unusual.

我说呀,这是不寻常的。I say, it is unusual.

这其实并不反常。This was not unusual.

这是一种不寻常的迹象。This is an unusual sign.

那样的唐突很不寻常。The brusqueness is unusual.

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他的学习经历很不寻常。His studying was very unusual.

我看到一只罕见的白象。I saw an unusual white elephant.

这是一种新的、不常见的病毒。This is a new and unusual virus.

这是个不寻常的班会。That was an unusual class meeting.

但是背后的过程实际上非比寻常。But that's actually pretty unusual.

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但是,这有什么不同寻常的吗?But, what is so unusual about this?

玛丽塔的经历并非罕见情况。Marita’s experience is not unusual.

这是一桩不同寻常的案件。This was, however, an unusual case.

牙齿对冷热温度异常敏感Unusual sensitivity to hot and cold

左撇子科学家其实并不少见。Lefty scientists are hardly unusual.

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是什么让您的故事与众不同?What was so unusual about your story?

会有一非同凡响的节奏悦人之耳。An unusual rhythm will soothe the ear.

辣味就是后天学来的味觉。Chillis are an unusual acquired taste.