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迷信是人们思想的一大桎梏。Superstition is a great shackle on men's minds.

她看起来也对她的左手腕桎梏。She also appears to have a shackle on her left wrist.

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这些没有束缚的桎梏,缠绕在淫欲和错乱中。These bonds are shackle free, wrapped in lust and lunacy.

将抛锚短索、卸扣浮标吊给起锚船。Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel.

大钳销钉,卸扣的销钉以及螺栓必须配有合适尺寸的启齿销。Rig tong pins, shackle pins and bolts must be secured with the proper size split pins.

他说杰拉德是一庄重要的签约,而同时他要求俱乐部留住麦孔。He says Gerrard would be an essential signing, while urging the club to shackle Maicon.

大钳销子,尾绳销子和螺栓都必须用适当尺寸的开口销加以固定。Rig tong pins, shackle pins and bolts must be secured with the proper size of split pins.

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毫无疑问,这条律法是不公正的,残酷的,号称是对爱情自由的桎梏。There is no doubt that the law is unfair and quite cruel, which is called a love shackle.

权势是禁锢自己的镣铐,爱情是解放自己的救星。Power is the shackle to shackle itself while love is the emancipator to emancipate itself.

日本军国主义已经成为中日两国关系发展中的桎梏。The Japanese militarism has become the shackle of the relationship between China and Japan.

尚尤为您提供的该款锁具是U形设计钼合金钢材质,设计简单大方单不失美观,室内室外都适用。Molybdenum alloy steel, anti-cut shackle. Vinyl coated U-bar. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

然而,小农及其经济和意识对当今社会现代化则是一个桎梏。Small farmers, including their economy and awareness, are a shackle to the modernization of the society.

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它提供了一条途径,以构成现实可行的委托义务,而不用限制性的绳索给未来套上枷锁。It offers a way to make a viable commitment in the present without restrictive tentacles to shackle the future.

互联网发明是为了丰富我们的生活,连接你和我,为提高工作效率,而非束缚我们的枷锁.Internet is invented to enrich our life,and to improve the efficiency of our rather than shackle us with a chain.

传统的科层制因过分强调分工、集权、秩序和等级正成为知识共享的桎梏。Traditional bureaucracy is a shackle of sharing knowledge because of excess division, centralization, order and grading.

虽然在几年前一些国家的官方审查制度已经停止了,但官僚作风可能依然妨碍电影制片人的工作。Although official censorship ended in some countries some years ago , red tape can still shackle their film-makers working.

多数破坏低等级挂锁的的方法是破坏锁钩,因为和锁体相比他是最脆弱的部分。Many destructive attacks against low security padlocks break the shackle because, relative to the body, it is the weakest component.

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一名士兵站在脚镣边上。在重犯区,囚犯看DVD片时要用脚镣铐在沙发上。A guard stands by a shackle that is used to tie detainees to a sofa while they watch DVDs in the maximum-security section of the prison.

圆销钩环被认为是不安全的,因为如果开口销被拆除或未安装,或者在提升中脱落,将造成钩环失效。Round Pin Shackles are considered un-safe as the cotter pin, if removed or not installed, falls off during a lift can cause the shackle to fail.

秋菊能傲霜,但是没有生灵能逃过红尘的轮回吧,即使有如此坚毅高洁的品质,依然逃不过宿命的束缚。Chrysanthemum can Aoshuang, but no life can escape the cycle of it, even though there are so strong moral character, still escape the fate shackle.