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他给辛西娅打电话。He phoned Cynthia.

莘济亚和他们一起走出去。Cynthia walked out with them.

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莘济亚发现男人是很讨厌的。Cynthia found the man detestable.

莘济亚叠着她的手帕。Cynthia wrinkled her handkerchief.

开始时,我和cynthia都感到很兴奋。At first Cynthia and I were excited.

辛西娅跟我说你靠拐杖走路。Cynthia told me you were on crutches.

对辛西娅来说,旅程结束了。For Cynthia Shipp, the journey is over.

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谁都知道辛茵拉是个专门勾引男人的女人。Everyone knows that Cynthia is a man-eater.

卡丽娜和辛西亚在大安森林公园聊天。Karina and Cynthia are talking in Da-an Park.

吉莉安安德森和辛西娅尼克松客串。Gillian Anderson and Cynthia Nixon guest star.

莘济亚,这个恶棍在这干什么呀?And what is this scoundrel doing here, Cynthia?

莘济亚扶她到沙发,帮她躺下。Cynthia got her to the sofa and helped her to lie down.

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辛西娅·琼斯患狼疮已超过15年。Cynthia Jones has lived with lupus for more than 15 years.

精彩图片来自我的朋友——cynnarcisi.com的CynthiaAwesome Illustration by my friend Cynthia of

大象是聪慧的社会性动物。Cynthia Graber reports. Elephants are smart, social animals.

辛西娅·奥齐克是当代杰出的美国犹太女作家。Cynthia Ozick is one of the outstanding American Jewish writers.

在我成功地把灯打开后Cynthia问我。Cynthia then asked me after I had successfully turned on the lamp.

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一封来自辛西娅,她想知道她的DNA检测结果是否出来了。One was from Cynthia wanting to know if her DNA test results were in.

我们今天的下一个报道是来自德克萨斯州的凯瑟娜•李与KABB的关系。Our next report today is from Cynthia Lee with affiliate KABB in Texas.

因为辛西娅已不再有青少年时期暂时的肥胖,她会变成一位赛美王后的。Cynthia has lost her puppy fat she could be a beauty queen in the making.