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您能给锁边吗?Would you alter it?

你会改做这件衣服吗?Can you alter the dress?

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诡辩改变不了事实。Sophistry won't alter facts.

诡辩改变不了历史。Sophistry cannot alter history.

请把录音机开响些。Please alter the recorder dhave.

让咱们换换口味来一个简易的话题。Then, let's alter a light topic?

梦。以依稀甾改変。Dream. To vaguely steroid to alter.

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不得改动或拆下工具防护装置。Never alter or remove a tool guard.

江山易改,本性难移。Change of habit cannot alter Nature.

太好了,您能为我换票吗?Fine. Can you alter the ticket for me?

如今转向进进下一个航迹区内。Alter course for next leg of track now.

改变音高,声像,节奏,数量等。Alter the pitch, pan, tempo, volumes etc.

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让您了解如何创建并更改它。You learn how to create one and alter it.

老狗难改吠声。An old dog cannot alter its way of barking.

高跟同样会改变肌肉及肌腱的结构。Heels also alter muscle and tendon structure.

这纵然改变不了爱情的真纯。Which though it alter not love's sole effect.

问题是我们能找到谁去调换她呢。The botheration is who we can get to alter her.

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你不能改变或摧毁圆形。You can't alter or destroy perfect circularity.

你能够拒绝我,但不能够骗我。You can alter me dhave but you could not cheat me.

奥尔特将反面影响刻画为交学费。Mr. Alter describes the fallout as 'paying tuition.