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道指所表现出来的这种弹性是个好兆头。That kind of resiliency is a good sign.

高可用性是实现业务弹性的关键因素之一。High Availability is a key component of business resiliency.

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思想和情感的压力能够让我们变得意志坚强、有韧性。Mental and emotional stress can produce tough-mindedness and resiliency.

乔治说,原子弹轰炸后,已经显示出某种复原的弹性。A certain resiliency shone through after the atom bomb, too, George said.

相应的,陆军已经为新兵设立了10小时的心理恢复训练。In response, the Army has instituted 10 hours of resiliency training for new soldiers.

这些城市的弹性问题应该在强大的东湖公共空间战略中体现。These citywide resiliency issues should be reflected in a strong Donghu public space strategy.

要做任何值得做的合适的项目,你都更大的强度和弹性的工作交叉培训。As with any worthwhile fitness program, you must cross-train for greater strength and resiliency.

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要做任何值得做的合适的项目,你都必须为了更大的强度和弹性的工作接受交叉培训。As with any worthwhile fitness program, you must cross-train for greater strength and resiliency.

值得在这一提的是,弹性的重要性在于它是所有其他问题的主题。The importance of resiliency is a topic for a whole other article, but it’s worth mentioning here.

道指所表现出来的这种弹性是个好兆头。华尔街那些大大小小的伤口终于开始结痂愈合了。That kind of resiliency is a good sign. Scabs are finally growing over Wall Street's gaping wounds.

在企业中使用情景应用程序需要现有企业基础设施中的其他灵活性。Enabling SAs in the enterprise requires additional resiliency from the existing corporate infrastructure.

胶原和弹性蛋白使象皮肤和韧带这样的结缔组织具有韧性和弹性。Collagen and elastin provide the strength and resiliency of connective tissues such as skin and ligaments.

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这就是我在以前的文章中所描述的当今世界所需的“新型恢复力”。That's what I've described in previous posts as the proactive "new resiliency" needed in our current world.

依合斯提供的聚氨酯滚轮比起塑料和橡胶滚轮更具弹性和耐磨性。EHC Global polyurethane rollers offer greater resiliency and wear resistance than plastic or rubber rollers.

由于质量差异导致灵敏性差异,因此需要经常进行密封垫弹性测试和检查接受性。Regular testing of gasket resiliency and inspection at Receiving due to sensitivity to inconsistent quality.

在应用程序中要考虑的最简单的问题是,网格弹性是否是应用程序中的一个问题。The simplest question to consider in your application is if grid resiliency is even an issue in your application.

不过,也有其他最佳实践与结果应用程序的整体弹性相关。However, there are other best practices that also have to do with resiliency of the resulting application as a whole.

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通过这种能够方式,蔡女士对中国政权所观察到的弹性杨的不同解释起到很好的补充作用。In so doing, she nicely complements Yang’s rather different explanation for the Chinese regime’s observed resiliency.

我的博客里有许多令人感到震撼的评论,多是关于面对逆境时该如何不屈不饶的。Some of the most powerful comments people post on this blog are about resiliency and tenacity in the face of adversity.

对自然灾难反应的整体程度是可以理解的——包括一些焦虑,恐惧甚至是回弹。A whole range of reactions to natural disasters is understandable – including some anxiousness , dread or even resiliency.