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地点有根本性的误导作用。Location can mislead in fundamental ways.

影评经常会误导观众。Movie reviews often mislead the audience.

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所有的银行家都知道,排行榜有误导作用。As all bankers know, league tables can mislead.

我现在意识到我有点误导你们了。Now I have just realized I mislead you in something.

同时也在方法和技巧上误导我们。But they also mislead us on the methods and techniques.

同时也在方法和技巧上误导我们。But they also mislead us on the methods and techniques.

我的错误将会由于使我误人歧途的各种动机而减轻my error will be palliated by the motives which mislead me

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别让他的甜言蜜语骗取了你的信任。Don't let his friendly words mislead you into trusting him.

有意无意地,似乎消费者们被误导了。Intentionally or not, it seems customers are being mislead.

所有的银行家都知道,排行榜有误导作用。Jul 8th 2010As all bankers know, league tables can mislead.

不要让他那种友好的使你误信他。Don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.

所以你们不要叫希西家这样欺哄诱惑你们,也不要信他。Now do not let Hezekiah deceive you and mislead you like this.

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夫人,不要!我是想引开那些贼,来救秋香的。Don't! In fact, I wanted to mislead the thieves to save Chou-heung.

弧线球易使裁判产生错误判断。Arcing balls are inclined to mislead umpires to incorrect judgements.

长期的成见会误导你对这件事情做判断。Chronical prejudice will mislead you in making judgment on this event.

每个时代都有其虚构的神话误导你掉以轻心而铸成大错。Each era has its own myths that mislead the unwary into harmful error.

我不能误导我们的民众,说什么所有事情都在我们的控制之下。I can't mislead our citizens and say we've got everything under control.

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公司散布假信息,借以制造假相,误导投资者。The company spread false information as a deception to mislead investors.

这种“帮助”也可以帮助攻击者创建用于误导程序的数据。This "help" can also aid an attacker to create data to mislead the program.

我们有权利期望它正确监管并且不误导投保人。We have a right to expect ittoregulate properly and not mislead policyholders.