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'整流'。''罩飞机的引擎外罩。The cowling on an aircraft.

飞机在上空发出嗡嗡声。An aircraft droned overhead.

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途易旅游拥有143架飞机。TUI Travel owns 143 aircraft.

那架飞机是法国制造的。The aircraft was made in France.

一架飞机坠毁成碎片。An aircraft was crashed to pieces.

看来,飞机可以按时返程了。The aircraft can take off on time.

同样,对于VLA类飞机也是如此。This is also true for VLA aircraft.

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飞机滑行一段后停了下来。The aircraft taxied to a standstill.

飞机轰炸了敌军舰。Aircraft bombarded the enemy warship.

飞机的两翼已覆有冰。The wings of the aircraft has iced up.

火车在速度上比不过飞机。Trains can't rival aircraft for speed.

飞机发动机短舱挠性管道。Aircraft engine Nacelle flexible ducts.

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飞机从航空母舰上起飞了。Carrier-Based aircraft patrolled above.

你们的飞机有故障吗?Is there any trouble with you aircraft ?

这架新飞机经试验后令人满意。The new aircraft underwent its test well.

飞机噪音是旅客不明智所至。Aircraft noise is unwitting of passengers.

它拥有很多大型客机和航空器。It held quite a few airbuses and aircraft.

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低飞的飞行器令野生动物惊恐。Low- flying aircraft terrify wild animals.

本机带有防雨设备。This aircraft has the rainproof equipment.

叶文智对飞机的使用生活得多。Dr. Moses to life than the use of aircraft.