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第一条出自作家。Norman Mailer The first is from Norman Mailer.

不管是福克纳还是梅勒,他依然是他们膜拜的对象。He is still the writer before whom everyone from Faulkner to Mailer has knelt.

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梅勒总是极度的自信和外露,有时看起来就像是追逐名利的小丑。Always a supremely confident extrovert, Mailer at times seemed like a publicity-seeking clown.

前项寄件人拒绝拆验时,中华邮政公司得拒绝接受该邮件。If the mailer refuses to open a parcel for inspection, Chunghwa Post may refuse to accept the said mail item for delivery.

除了他的小说,创造性的非小说的散文作品,短小说和随笔之外,M还未一些电影中进行了撰写,出品,导演和扮演的各种尝试。In addition to his novels, creative nonfiction, short stories and essays, Mailer wrote, produced, directed and acted in several films.

但是,他开始写短篇小说,在他获大学文学奖时,诺曼·梅勒知道自己真正该成为一名作家。But he began writing short stories, and when he won a collegiate literary prize, Norman Mailer knew that his true calling was as a writer.

实际上诺曼·梅勒,就住在那边那座联排别墅里。你不知道我想去敲他的门,想了多少次了。And actually, Norman Mailer Used to live in that townhouse right there. You can't imagine how many times I thought about knocking on his door.

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在梅勒的作品中反复出现的主题就是男人检验自己刚毅的品格。甚至作为一个作者,诺曼认为自己是个战士,一个斗士。A recurring theme in his writing, as in Hemingway's, was man testing his masculinity . Even as an author, Norman Mailer considered himself a battler, a fighter.

各种广告,包括我的广告,最终都是被传单邮购商以像我以3美分所购得的大宗邮件那样发出的。One's advertisements, including mine eventually, would be sent by such a circular mailer with a host of others in a big mail like the one my three cents bought.

一向非常自信且性格外向的M,有时看起来也象是个公众寻找的小丑,例如,1968年,他竞选纽约市长,并且为争取这个城市成为美国独力的一州而奔波。Always a supremely confident extrovert, Mailer at times seemed like a publicity-seeking clown. In 1968, for example, he ran for mayor of New York, campaigning to make the city a separate state.