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学位,主修,毕业日期。Degree, Major, and Date of Conferment.

每天我享受着生活的给予。Every day I am enjoying conferment which lives.

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它当天还“检阅”了前来看望它的挪威国王卫队士兵。He paraded the soldiers of King Guard at the Conferment Day.

与别人有分歧时,不要吵架,要商量。Don't quarrel with others but conferment when a difference emerged.

就连父权意味颇浓的封禅,其实最早也应是祭祀女神的。Even the conferment of dhyana which implies patriarchy originates from offering sacrifices to goddess.

会计确认和计量则从人力资源和无形资产的确认与计量进行了具体的探讨。The accounting conferment and the measurement are affected at two aspects such as human resources and intangible assets.

澳大荣誉学位委员会授予萧荫堂博士荣誉教授名衔,对澳门大学今后的发展以及对澳门人才的培养,有著极其重要的意义。The conferment carries significant meanings for UM's future development and the cultivation of talents in the Macau SAR.

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批准取消预备役军官军衔的权限,与批准授予该级预备役军官军衔的权限相同。The limits of authority for approving the annulment of a reserve rank shall be the same as those for approving the conferment of the rank.

其次,对科学概念和原理的系统化叙述能否为学生接受是值得商榷的。Secondly, whether the systematical description of the science concept and principle can be accepted by the students is worthy of conferment.

当东亚封贡体系面临外部巨大冲击时,必然走向全面瓦解。Therefore, when it was faced with the exterior huge impact, the East Asian conferment and tribute system inevitably disintegrated comprehensively.

第十一条授予人民警察警衔,以人民警察现任职务、德才表现、担任现职时间和工作年限为依据。Article 11 The conferment of a police rank shall go by the conferee's present post, political integrity, ability, period of holding the present post as well as seniority.

最后从企业的管理跨度、组织层次和职权授于等方面提出确定企业管理模式的要点。At last, it puts forward the main point for determining enterprise management mode from the aspects such as the management span, organization level and authority conferment etc.

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美国白宫官方网站纪录布殊总统获美国威斯康辛州协和大学荣誉博士学位与演讲内容撮要。Citations of the commencement address given by President George W. Bush during the conferment of an honorary doctorate from the CUW on the official website of the White House, USA.

美国白宫官方网站纪录布殊总统获美国威斯康辛州协和大学荣誉博士学位与演讲内容撮要。Citations of the commencement address given by President George W. Bush during the conferment of an honorary doctorate from the CUW's on the official website of the White House, USA.

该大学学院的地位在2004年政府的帮助是授予的杰出成就的认可和默契弹指,进一步提供了卓越和质量。The conferment of university college status by the Government in 2004 is a tacit recognition of HELP's distinguished achievements and provides a fillip to further excellence and quality.

13世纪,华夏地区有宋、辽、金等几个相互竞争、边界变动的正朔颁布中心,这是由当时民族竞争融合的特殊政治格局形成的,历法的颁受折射出民族政权间政治、文化的复杂关系。From 10 to 13 century, a few of powers like the Song, Liao, and Jin conferred their calendars to around powers. They competed for the conferment authority and the boundary of the power was changing.