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地球物理测井是其重要组成部分。Geophysical logging is the basic component of CCSD.

范公、周公都是画像,吕公是偶像。Gong, are portraits of the Duke and Geophysical Exploration & yes idols.

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显示了考古是地球物理方法的一个重要应用领域。This shows that archaeometry is an important field in geophysical techniques.

管波探测法是新兴的地球物理勘查方法。Tube wave detecting method is a newly developed geophysical detecting method.

为适应地球物理学的需要,习惯上以27.0日为太阳自转周期。For geophysical purposes it is customary to use solar rotations of 27 . 0 day.

大多数人看不到巨大地质重整和文明变迁的必要性。Most will not see the necessity of vast geophysical realignments and cultural changes.

地球化学急变带与地球物理场变化存在密切关系。There exists a tight relationship between the geochemical and geophysical steep zones.

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并简单讨论了这类电磁响应问题在地球物理学中的可能应用。A few examples of geophysical interest in response problems of this kind are metioned also.

高分辨率地震技术可广泛用于工程物探。High resolution seismic technology can be widely used in engineering geophysical prospecting.

地质和地球物理这两个地球科学分支的差别并不泾渭分明。The distinction between geophysical and geological branches of earth science is not clear-cut.

中国地球物理学会1989年主持召开了四次国内学术会议、一次国际学术会议。The Geophysical Society of China organized four domestic and one international symposia in 1989.

拉塞尔上周出席了他在美国地球物理联合会位于多伦多进行的研究。Russell presented his research at the American Geophysical Union conference in Toronto last week.

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灌浆质量采用压水试验和综合物探手段检测。The quality of grouting was checked by water-pressure test and integrated geophysical prospecting.

磁法勘探是观测研究地下介质磁场变化的一种地球物理勘探方法。Magnetic exploration is a geophysical method on magnetic change observed in the underground medium.

该刊已经成为我国地球物理勘探领域最具权威的刊物之一。The journal has become one of most authoritative journal of geophysical exploration in our country.

从而阐述物探方法在青海东昆仑都兰地区异常查证及矿体延深预测的有效性。These show that geophysical prospecting method was feasible and effective in the Dulanggou district.

解的非惟一性是大地测量地球物理反演的一个难题。The un-uniqueness of estimated parameter is one of the problems in geodetic and geophysical inversion.

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利用振动地下的结构的地球物理学测量方法,相似的空洞能被探测。With the geophysical measurement methods of seismics underground structures like cavities can be explored.

物探技术在焉耆盆地新区油气勘探过程中发挥了重要作用。Application of geophysical prospecting has played an important role in the oil-gas exploration in Yanqi Basin.

系统能够识别异常和区分引起异常的地质体的岩性。The system can identify anomalies and distinguish the lithologies of geophysical bodies causing the anomalies.