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植物吸收了水分。The plant drank moisture.

这层涂料能防潮。This coating repels moisture.

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树叶上的水珠闪闪发亮。Moisture glinted on the leaves.

空气和潮湿使银子失去光泽。Air and moisture tarnish silver.

土壤中的水分严重。Soil moisture severely dwindles.

从总的收支看.南海地区是一个水汽汇区。The SCS is a moisture sink area.

水气在玻璃上结珠。The moisture beaded on the glass.

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这层涂料能防潮。A plastic coating repels moisture.

那天晚上湿气重。That night the moisture was heavy.

温度和水分使种子发芽。Warmth and moisture germinate seeds.

他限里立即感到一阵潮润。He felt a quick moisture in his eyes.

带着空气的潮气,泥土的热。Bringing moisture of air, warmth of soil.

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前处理加工中糊料、吸湿剂。Paste, moisture in the pretreatment agent.

保湿性强,具抗过敏作用。Moisture strong, with anti-allergy effects.

补充水份重现肌肤柔软肤质。Replenishes moisture to restore suppleness.

沙漠里的空气几乎不含水分。The desert air contains hardly any moisture.

干无花果上渗出许多小水珠。The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture.

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例如,不要把辐射和湿气混淆起来。For instance, radiation and moisture don’t mix.

隔热层必须防潮。The insulation must be protected from moisture.

这棵树吸收的水分比那棵树多。This tree drank up more moisture than that one.