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这个传说纪录是由目前很难被翻译的那不勒斯方言写成。It is written in the hard-to-translate Neapolitan dialect.

他是一个叫做那波里坦的意粉厨师的儿子,其一生参与制作过的电影有500部左右。The son of a Neapolitan pasta-maker, he was linked to about 500 films.

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斯巴达将一如既往地为大家提供新鲜、美味的那不勒斯比萨。You will always enjoy a fresh, authentic, Neapolitan pizza from Spango.

也可以都混在一起,叫拿波利奶昔。and you can get it all mixed up in one, it's called the Neapolitan shake.

这位那不勒斯人非常渴望为帮助蓝鹰保级贡献自己的力量。The Neapolitan is desperate to give his contribution to help the Aquile beat the drop.

以冰糖粉作点缀,传统啲那吥勒斯风味巧克力杏仁蛋糕。The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds , decorated with icing sugar.

薄伽丘也被对那不勒斯一位公民的美丽妻子的深深爱情激发了灵感。Boccaccio was also inspired by a deep love for the beautiful wife of a Neapolitan citizen.

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设立这些规定是为了保护和推销原汁原味的、传统的那不勒斯匹萨饼。The regulations are designed to protect and promote the original, traditional Neapolitan pizza.

他赢得了那不勒斯队球迷们的爱戴,称他为足球之神。The Neapolitan fans had with Diego a relationship based on affection and love, honoring him as a God.

有证据表明那不勒斯獒犬也参与了罗马帝国的战争,它们被装上There is also some historical evidence that the Neapolitan Mastiffs fought alongside the Roman Legion.

这位英国律师随后指认了一名那不勒斯船主,迭戈·阿塔纳西奥,称他是这笔钱真正的来源。The British lawyer subsequently identified a Neapolitan ship owner, Diego Attanasio, as the true source of the funds.

卢西亚诺的前任,朱塞佩马塞里亚,表示欢迎,不包括那不勒斯艾尔卡彭西西里,把他的黑手党家族。Luciano's predecessor, Giuseppe Masseria, had welcomed non-Sicilians, including Neapolitan Al Capone, into his Mafia clan.

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被记者问道父亲与将来的模特有暧昧是什么反应时,芭芭拉说她非常震惊。Asked about her reaction to her father's attentions to a teenage Neapolitan would-be model, Barbara Berlusconi said she was shocked.

维柯是不合时宜和贫困那不勒斯哲学家有时与人文科学的创始记。Giambattista Vico was the anachronistic and impoverished Neapolitan philosopher sometimes credited with founding the human sciences.

这名那不勒斯前锋上赛季在圣埃利亚球场证明了自己,甚至在去年年底收到了意大利国家队的征召。The Neapolitan winger made a name for himself at the Stadio Sant'Elia and even earned an Azzurri call-up towards the end of last year.

第二天晚上他们要去参加一个化装舞会,娜拉届时将装扮成一个那不勒斯的渔家女,表演塔兰台拉舞。The following evening they were to attend a fancy dress Ball, and Nora was to go as a Neapolitan fisher girl and dance the tarantella.

“我很激动,因为作为一名那不勒斯人和那不勒斯对阵,这将是一个特别的经历。”他告诉记者。"I'm very emotional because as a Neapolitan it will be a unique experience to play in Naples for the opposing team, " he told journalists.

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由于世界各地的厨师十分关注手工艺烹饪,那不勒斯披萨的烹饪技巧因此更具价值,也备受赞誉。As chefs the world over focus on artisanal cooking, the culinary skills behind the Neapolitan pizza have gained even greater value and distinction.

根据这个指导方针,一块真正的那不勒斯匹萨饼必须用木炭烤箱烘烤,制成品必须松软,有弹性,而且很容易折成两半。A true Neapolitan pizza must be cooked in a wood-fired oven and the final product must be soft, elastic and easy to fold in two, the guidelines say.

作为一个真正的那不勒斯人,他很喜欢披萨和马苏里拉奶酪,但是他真正最喜欢的食物是浇上西红柿酱的意大利通心粉。As a true Neapolitan he has a fondness for pizza and mozzarella cheese, but the dish he really couldn't live without is spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce.