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没有保障永远都不够。No reassurance will ever be enough.

这场胜利让全队吃了一颗定心丸。The victory let the team take a reassurance.

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因为这些访客希望接触到有生气的人,读到一个有声有色的故事,来打消对这个网站的心理上的距离感。Because they want a human, a story and reassurance.

粮农组织一再声明,但恐慌仍在蔓延。People hit a panic button in spite of FAO's reassurance.

许多出席这次展会的人认为,这个讲话是古巴政府想给外商的一副镇心剂。Many in the audience saw the speech as an attempt at reassurance.

总统在众多侍警卫的保护下安抚人心。President in numerous shi guard under the protection of reassurance.

杞人忧天的人需要安全感和鼓励帮助他们克服恐惧。Worrywarts need reassurance and encouragement to overcome their fears.

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她用两只右手对她的奉献者给予恩惠和保证。With Her two right hands She offers boons and reassurance to Her devotees.

对他们来说,学业成绩是衡量信心的一种标准---这也许是错误的。Academic performance gives them a measure of reassurance — perhaps misplaced.

这场自然灾害以来,温家宝那张令大众放心的面孔随处可见。Wen Jiabao has been the public face of reassurance following the natural disaster.

北美人经常拍拍别人的胳膊让他放心,或亲切摸摸小孩的头。North Americans often pat an arm in reassurance or stroke a child's head in affection.

老年人,尤其是那些来自于空巢家庭的老年人,急需安慰。The aged, especially those from empty-nest families, are in eager need for reassurance.

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老年人,尤其是那些来自于空巢家庭的老年人,急需安慰慰。The aged, especially those from empty-nest families, are in eager need for reassurance.

这些看似冠冕的理由也许能够安抚美国人,但是这远同事实相背。This kind of placating reassurance may comfort Americans, but it is far from the truth.

只有感觉到它枕着自己的脚踝和脚的重量,他才安心。Felt the reassurance of her presence from the weight of her against his ankles and feet.

他向他的“导航,领航和飞行控制员”麦克·塞洛芬咨询,寻求定心丸。He asked for reassurance from his "guidance, navigation, and control" man, Mike Sarafin.

只要想一想这些名字就能给我带来愉快、安心的美滋滋地感觉。Just thinking about these names gives me a delicious feeling of pleasure and reassurance.

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索姆斯·福赛特是天佑再保险会的董事。Soames Forsyte was a member of the board of the Providential Premium Reassurance Society.

聆听朋友的倾述,不要批判他,让他安心告诉他你会一直在他身边,告诉他你关心在乎他。Listen to your friend without judging and offer reassurance that you're there and you care.

库克先生那次的不俗表现对投资者来说是一贴强力安慰剂。His performance during that time provides a heavy dose of reassurance for nervous investors.