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如此靠近却又如此遥远。So close while so faraway.

她把它称为“遥远”。She called it “the faraway.

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他生活在一个遥远的地方。He lives in a faraway place.

我渴望着遥远的事物。I am athirst for faraway things.

她眼睛里流露出恍惚的神情。There is a faraway look in her eyes.

很久以前的一个很远的小村庄里。Long ago in a small, faraway village.

他住在一个迢遥的小山村。He lives in faraway mountain villaging.

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悱恻,思念远在他乡的丈夫。She longs for her husband who is faraway.

他住在一个迢遥的小山村。He lives in faraway mountain villgrow old.

是一封挂号信,上面盖着的是一个遥远的地方的邮戳。A certified letter, with a faraway postmark.

他住在一个辽远的小山村。He lives in faraway mountain villgrowing older.

我心绪不宁。我渴望着遥远的事物。I am restless. I am athirst for faraway things.

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我心绪不宁。我渴看着远远的事物。I am restless. I am athirst for faraway things.

自然她也渴望去看一看远处的地方。Naturally she also longs to see faraway places.

到天涯海角海南岛去看一看。Go to faraway places Davao Islands to have a look.

远处传来低沉的声音,汇聚成一片嘈杂。A low rustle sounded faraway and gathered to a hum.

远方的一小块土地、一片银白色的沙滩、A slice of this faraway place, a width of white beach

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很久很久以前,人们对于远方的土地所知不多。Ages ago, people had little knowledge of faraway lands.

他看力很好,能欣赏到远方美景。He has a good sight to enjoy the beautiful sight faraway.

我的父母亲住在北方的一个遥远的小村庄里。My parents lived in a small faraway village in the north.