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这个信号将使微处理机浮动。The signal will suspend the microprocessor.

微控制器很像微处理器。A microcontroller is very similar to a microprocessor.

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每年你都可以提出微处理器架构。Every year you can come up with microprocessor architecture.

在这个设备的内部,有一个控制着磁场的微处理器。A microprocessor rests inside it which controls the magnetic field.

嵌入式32位具有集成的浮点单元的微处理器。Embedded 32-bit microprocessor with integrated floating-point unit.

最初的4004微处理器芯片能处理4比特数据。The original 4004 microprocessor chip handled data in four bit chunks.

它引导系统根据传闻使用英特尔80486级的微处理器。It guidance system reportedly uses an Intel 80486-class microprocessor.

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利用单片机SST89C58实现了环形线圈车辆检测器的设计。The loop-coil vehicle detector is designed with SST89C58 microprocessor.

设计的独创的高度简化指令集微处理器。Highly original reduced instruction set microprocessor designed by Inmos.

在开始X线放射之前通过微处理器选择输出千伏值。Output KVp is selected by the microprocessor prior to the start of x-ray.

用一个微处理器来控制草履虫的移动和得分。The movements of the paramecia and the score are kept by a microprocessor.

内置的微处理器控制提供快速,安全和完整电池充电。Built-in Microprocessor Control Provides Fast, Safe and Full Battery Charge.

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在步队前进时,微处理器实现了加工进程。During the procession, the microprocessor finished the processing procedure.

现在即使是最简陋的家居用品在制造时也离不开微处理器。Now not even the humblest household object is made without a microprocessor.

论文设计的是一个单片机控制多功能信号发生器。Papers design is a microprocessor controlled multi-function signalgenerator.

英特尔在短短几年里就生产出了第一台真正的微处理器。In just a few short years, Intel would produce the first true microprocessor.

最终的成果是一个基于英特尔4004微处理器的四芯片系统。The result was a four-chip system, based around the Intel 4004 microprocessor.

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本文介绍了一种单片机控制的多点电控汽油喷射系统。In this paper, a single-chip microprocessor controlled MPI system is described.

介绍了一种利用单片机控制的大功率半导体激光驱动电源。A high-power diode laser power supply controlled by microprocessor is presented.

介绍了以8098单片微机为核心的SRM控制器。The SRM controller based on 8098 single chip microprocessor are also introduced.