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叫我杰利.Call me Jerry.

我的名儿叫杰瑞。My name is Jerry.

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杰里有可能在那里。Jerry could be there.

你听说杰尔的事了吗?Did you hear about Jerry?

还有汤姆、杰里和托托?Tom and Jerry and Toto, too.

他说“雅虎是杨致远的孩子。Yahoo was Jerry Yang’s baby.

古董杰里马奥尼假人。An antique Jerry Mahoney dummy.

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我们都检查过了,”杰瑞说。We’re all done now, ” Jerry says.

言承旭也是一个很简朴的人。Jerry Yan is also a simple person.

我的名字叫花荣杰,今年快十岁了。My name is Jerry Im ten years old.

“肺气肿可以治疗的,”杰瑞说。“Emphysema is treatable, ” Jerry says.

杰瑞被汤姆的傲慢激怒了。Jerry was irritated by Tom's insolence.

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负责身份证的人叫做杰瑞·唐,给他打个电话。His name is Jerry Tang. Give him a call.

杰利抓到一头熊,我为它剥了皮。Jerry got a bear that I skinned for him.

杨致远和费罗是旧识。Filo and Jerry Yang of the old knowledge.

言承旭出生于一个相当贫困的家庭里。Jerry Yan was born in a quiet poor family.

特别许克威照片肖像鞋垫。Special Jerry Hsu photo portrait footbeds.

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杰里活了下来,部分原因是他的医生医术高明。Jerry lived in part because of his doctors.

杰里就我的穿着说了些刻薄话。Jerry made some chop about the way I dress.

杰里真是个让人喜欢得不行的家伙。Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate.