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去给我找把掸子来。Go and find a duster for me.

她用抹布把房间擦得干干净净。She went over the room with a duster.

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她用掸子掸掉家具上的灰尘。She dusted the furniture with a duster.

掸子很快地给房间掸尘。The maid went over the room quickly with a duster.

鸡毛掸子是大扫除中一种有用的工具。Feather duster is a useful tool for the thorough house-cleaning.

每日为员工准备第二日客用品、清洁用品、抹布等。Get readies the next day's amenities, cleaner, duster cloths and so on.

在走廊的尽头,有个阿拉伯人拿着鸡毛掸子懒洋洋地掸灰尘。At the far end of the passage an Arab was flicking idly, with a feather duster.

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达契亚除尘器的目的是解决世界各地的公路和铁路,所有类型。Dacia Duster was designed to tackle all types of roads and tracks, all over the world.

下盘中间的轴承中以键固定着喷粉机的主轴。The bearing at the bottom plate center is fixed with the principal axis of the duster.

可以说袋式除尘器是是现代除尘技术发展的标志之一。It can be said of modern dust bag duster is one of the signs of technological development.

道士就将一把蝇甩子交给王生,叫他挂在寝室的门上。The priest gave Wang a duster and asked him to hang it on the outsidedoorframe of his bedroom.

锅炉烟气在治理上有一定的难度,文丘里水膜除尘技术的应用取得了一些进展。Treatment of boiler fumes is more difficult, application of water membrane duster has improved it.

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主轴以滚珠轴承安装在喷粉机的机壳中心。The principal axis is installed at the machine shell center of the duster by use of the ball bearing.

布袋除尘器检漏仪是根据朗伯—比尔定理设计的。This paper intriduces the design of leak detector based on Langb-Bill's Law for the cloth bag duster.

还有,如果你要清理地板,只要帮猫咪穿上猫咪扫地鞋,或帮孩子穿上宝宝除尘布就行了。Also, you can clean your floor by putting Duster Slippers on your cats or Baby Duster on your children.

有一个人半年没有吃鸡,看见了鸡毛帚就流涎三尺。Men who have gone half a year without eating chicken will start drooling copiously at the sight of even a feather duster.

女朋友知道我对灰尘过敏,就拿了个鸡毛掸子戳在我脸上。My girlfriend thought it would be funny to take a feather duster to my face, knowing I'm allergic to dust, and I sneezed.

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加压空气除尘器是由除尘最为理想电器设备包括键盘、打印机、多氯联苯等。Pressurized air duster is ideal for removing dust from most electrical equipment including keyboards, printers, PCBs etc.

“幕布升起来,现出一架钢琴,”桑德海姆回忆道,“一个男演员拿一块抹布擦拭琴键,发出一阵叮当声。"The curtain went up and revealed a piano, " Sondheim recalled. "A butler took a duster and brushed it up, tinkling the keys.

而且鸡毛掸子不容易积泥沙,掸灰时只要稍加注意,就可以避免划伤油漆。But a feather duster, duster sediment deposition is not easy as long as pay attention when the ash, can avoid to scratch paint.