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要当心对β测试的过分依赖。Beware of an overreliance on beta testing.

害怕中国过度依赖投资作为增长动力?Worried about China's overreliance on investment as a driver of growth?

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金正日也许正是想通过靠近俄罗斯而摆脱对中国的过渡依赖。Mr Kim may be hedging against overreliance on China by getting closer to Russia.

仅只减少对石油的依赖并不足以推动未来的发展。Just reducing Japan's overreliance on oil won't be enough to fuel growth for the future.

过分依赖经验、直觉,内心感觉是准不会错的是会导致错误的增长。Overreliance on experience, intuition, and gut feeling is a surefire way of increasing waste.

感觉好像相配的外套和裙子就说明是过度依赖父母那种呆板的时尚观念。It's as though matching jackets and skirts suggest an overreliance on parents' stiff fashion conventions.

我对图4.3中分割数据的初步解释是,可能过度依赖于付费搜索了。My initial interpretation of the segmented data in Figure 4.3 would be that there is perhaps overreliance on paid search.

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去年,北京方面允许使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算,以打破中国对美元的过度依赖。Last year, Beijing allowed the yuan to be used to settle cross-border trade in an effort to break China's overreliance on the dollar.

不过,他们除非这样做,否则,用那些过度出口的“老木头”造出的船将很难在世界经济海洋中畅游。But unless they are made, using the old wood of an overreliance on exports won't make for a very seaworthy ship for the world economy.

然而分析师也警告,过分依赖中国市场的销量增长会加大与中国可能的监管干预有关的风险。Analysts, however, have warned that an overreliance on growth in China increases risks related to possible regulatory interference there.

这一想法也体现在20国集团上周制定的全球议程中,该议程旨在纠正世界经济对美国消费者的过度依赖。It is an idea that feeds into the global agenda outlined by the Group of 20 nations last week to rebalance the world economy away from overreliance on U.S. consumers.

许多当地医师归咎于过度依赖蚊帐而未采用其他预防措施,如在住宅内喷洒杀虫剂。Many doctors in sub-Saharan Africa attribute the failure to an overreliance on nets in lieu of other interventions, such as the indoor spraying of dwellings with insecticide.

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分析家认为,尽管俄罗斯已经是世界上军费开销第五大的国家,但依然需要强大的常规军事力量来减少对老化的苏维埃时期核导弹威慑的依赖。Analysts say Russia, while already the world's fifth-largest military spender, needs strong conventional forces to reduce its overreliance on its aging Soviet-era nuclear missile deterrent.