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就象跳背游戏中互相跳过。To jump over in or as if in leapfrog.

专家预计,中国将很快再次超越日本。Experts predict China will soon leapfrog Japan again.

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他瞅准机会跃入河中。He aimed at the opportunity to leapfrog into the river.

第二,经济发展和人民生活水平实现跨越式发展。On economic construction, Tibet has achieved leapfrog development.

如果有更好的材料,热电技术会跨越式前进。Thermoelectrics is going to leapfrog forward if you have better materials.

介绍了一种基于蛙跳式低通滤波器原型综合而成的复数滤波器。A complex filter synthesized from the leapfrog lowpass prototype is proposed.

什么样的技术才能让我们实现跨越式发展,摆脱原始落后技术的束缚呢?What kind of technologies will permit me to leapfrog from an older, dirtier technology?

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LeapFrog产品的主要吸引力来自于公司对于个性化教育的专注。The main appeal of the LeapFrog products is the company's focus on personalized education.

并购其中的一家竞争对手或一家业务互补性强的公司,藉此实现跨越式发展。Buy one of your competitors or a complimentary company that will leapfrog your business ahead.

由于切尔西要到星期天比赛,枪手如果赢下桑德兰有机会超越。With Chelsea not playing until Sunday, the Gunners can leapfrog them if they win at Sunderland.

这款平板电脑装有一种叫做“LeapFrog学习路径”的功能,凭借此功能,家长就能够以数字化的方式跟踪孩子的进度。A feature called the LeapFrog Learning Path lets parents digitally track their child's progress.

中国铁路跨越式发展战略的核心是实施大规模铁路网建设。China railway leapfrog development strategy focused on large-scale railway network construction.

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分队长被碰的呲牙咧嘴,罚他们围着训练场蛙跳一圈。The yi tooth, mouth commander would be to touch them around the training ground leapfrog a circle.

冬天可以自己在屋里,原地跑,原地高抬腿,尊下起,蛙跳。Winter can own in the house, place to run, place the high leg lift, under the statue, the leapfrog.

“我们想要将现在的技术向更加理想跃进,”皮茨谈及平面能源的目标时说道。"We want to leapfrog current technologies and push onto something better," says Pitts of Planar's goals.

卡拉格现在和汉森并列第八,而很有可能在赛季结束前超越格罗贝拉的628场。Carra sits joint eighth in the table and could leapfrog Bruce Grobbelaar on 628 before the season is out.

“我们想要将现在的技术向更加理想跃进,”皮茨谈及平面能源的目标时说道。"We want to leapfrog current technologies and push onto something better, " says Pitts of Planar's goals.

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哈里,热刺的主教练,希望热刺能够在联赛中排名领先于曼城和阿森纳。Harry Redknapp, the Tottenham manager, hopes his side can leapfrog Manchester City and Arsenal in the table.

公司本着“品质至上,信誉第一”的经营理念,运筹帷幄,实现跨越发展。Company of "quality first, credibility first" business philosophy, strategizing to achieve leapfrog development.

在发展中国家跨越式发展的同时,发达国家保守的医疗体系则可能会抵制新技术。The hidebound health-care systems of the rich world may resist new technologies even as poor countries leapfrog ahead.