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多数不丹人欢迎国王的命令。Most Bhutanese applaud the king's rule.

那么你不要选不丹的女人,这些女人当家作主。Then you may not choose Bhutanese women, these women dominate the family.

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在不丹,为了此次活动也特别用不丹语制作了动画视频。In Bhutan, special animated videos have been made with Bhutanese characters.

晋美是第一批接受现代教育的不丹儿童中的一个。The King was one of the first Bhutanese children to receive modern education.

这座山被认为是神圣的,不丹政府已经禁止人们去攀登此山。The mountain is sacred and the Bhutanese government has banned mountaineering.

1974年发行Ngultrum时,不丹人就将它与印度卢比挂起钩来。When the Ngultrum was introduced in 1974, the Bhutanese pegged it with the Indian Rupee.

不丹政府认为这是维护国家主权的重要策略。The Bhutanese government views this as a crucial strategy to preserve the country's sovereignty.

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由于这些努力,不丹并未丧失太多当地传统的佛教文化。Because of these efforts, Bhutanese society hasn't lost much of its traditional Buddhist culture.

在1960年初,印度是不丹政府发展经济的主要援助者。India was key in assisting the Bhutanese government as it developed its economy in the early sixties.

而在不丹,数以千计的不丹人却毫不怀疑地确信你是个活神仙。Whereas in Bhutan , thousands and thousands of Bhutanese people have no doubt that you are a living god.

在不丹首都定布,选民穿著完美的传统服装,在投票中心外排成一条长队伍等待投票。Bhutanese voters stand in a queue outside a polling station to cast their ballot in Thimpu March 24, 2008.

现在,大多数居住在这些难民营的人都可以轻而易举地制作不丹公民的证件。Most of the adults who live in those camps today, however, can readily produce Bhutanese citizenship cards.

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16日在中南海紫光阁会见了不丹外交大臣坎杜·旺楚克。On August 16, 2006, State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan met with Bhutanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Khandu Wangchuk in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

于是不丹开国国王要求英国在印度给不丹派去的留学生提供教育和培训,这些留学生多数都是幼童。Thus, Druk Gyalpo Ugyen Wangchuck requested the British to assist Bhutan in providing education and training in India for the Bhutanese children.

双方协议英国不干涉不丹内务,不丹允许英国帮助他处理外部事务。A treaty whereby the British agreed not to interfere in Bhutanese internal affairs and Bhutan allowed Britain to direct its foreign affairs was signed.

法律规定所有不丹人民必须穿著传统佛教衣袍,不同阶级的人衣袍各不相同。There is a law that all Bhutanese citizens have to wear traditional Buddhist robes and dresses, with people of different classes wearing different kinds of robes.

即为「雷龙之地」,是当地人所称的国名,不丹国既神秘、遗世独立又不容易到达,有些人甚至称其为「天际外」的国度。Known to the Bhutanese as Druk Yul, Land of the Thunder Dragon, Bhutan is mysterious, isolated, and inaccessible. Some have even referred to it as "the back of beyond."

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然而他也知道一旦他登基就要像他的父亲那样,肩负起更大的责任,做出更大的牺牲。Thus, like his father, the days before his enthronement were the days that he sacrificed his youth and shouldered big responsibilities for the nation and the Bhutanese.

“印度人在不丹生活和努力工作,富有成就,这一类人也永远不会对不丹的本地劳动力造成阻碍。”乔利在信中写道。"Indians have lived and worked hard and productively in Bhutan. This category of people would never be an impediment to the indigenous Bhutanese workforce, " Jolly wrote in his letter.

还有人想到,洛桑森格的太太出身不丹王室,也许有利于流亡政府对喜马拉雅山区藏人的工作。等等。Yet there are people speculating that with Lobsang Sangay's wife being from Bhutanese royal family, he will also strive for the well-being of the Tibetans in the Himalayan regions, and so on.