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最终,他们自说自话对外部世界没有什么贡献。Ultimately, they are "unaccountable to the external world."

罗珊娜回到家里,那份心情奇怪极了。Rosanna had returned to the house in a very unaccountable state of mind.

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因此,这个职位具有的未经选择,未加斟酌权力势必将增长。And so the powers of this unelected and unaccountable position would grow.

在清点仓库存货时发现了一笔去向不明的货物流出。The warehouse stock take brought to light an unaccountable outflow of goods.

葛擂硬先生绝对不能发现为什么会得到了这个莫名其妙的答案。Mr. Gradgrind never could make out how it yielded this unaccountable product.

第三种恐惧类型是一种对暧昧不明而不确定的事物感到害怕,而且无法解释的。The third kind of fear is of those vague unaccountable things which cannot be explained.

我想,鉴于这些不负责任的机构的存在,我应该说我感到的只是“慰藉”。I think in the light of these unaccountable institutions, I should use the word "consoled".

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在朋友的心目中,你早已沦为不值得计较的妄人。In friends' heart, I've been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. "Unaccountable"!

我这里要投诉这位移民官无责任不称职的服务。I would like to complain about the unaccountable and incompetent service of the case officer.

善良的布朗太太猛然抽出一把大剪刀,兴奋得令人难以解释。Brown whipped out a large pair of scissors, and fell into an unaccountable state of excitement.

尿道炎常给女性带来难言和莫名的痛苦,因此应该注意。Urethritis often give female brings unaccountable and vague pain, therefore, should be noticed.

那男孩没有怨言地接受了对他的处罚。I would no longer uncomplainingly accept their barbs or allow their unaccountable power to go unchallenged.

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我不会再毫无怨言地洗耳恭听他们带刺的话,或让他们的不负责任的权力不受到挑战。I would no longer uncomplainingly accept their barbs or allow their unaccountable power to go unchallenged.

在这个疑云满布、不负责任的世界上,我们迄今还没有学会如何找出那些坏家伙——更别说如何去阻止他们了。In a shadowy, unaccountable world, we have not yet learned how to name the bad guys -- never mind stop them.

侦探不得用偶然事件或被证明为正确的不负责任的直觉来侦破案件。No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an unaccountable intuition which proves to be right.

也许去批评那些一心想做点好事的人是很无礼的,但是许多慈善团体表现地似乎一点责任感都没有。Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to2 do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable.

巴特尔还提起,在2006年施密特将品牌广告称作了“美国公司无谓花费的最后一座堡垒”。As Battelle reminds, Schmidt in 2006 called brand advertising “The last bastion of unaccountable spending in corporate America.”

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一种难以形容的沮丧心情使菲尔波特失去了平时那种诙谐乐观的性格,他心中愁绪万端。The unaccountable depression that possessed Philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts.

我的主人还提到了另外一个特性,那是它的仆人在几只“野胡”身上发现的,在它看来却完全不能理解。My master likewise mentioned another quality which his servants had discovered in several Yahoos, and to him was wholly unaccountable.

但不能让孩子坐着某个男孩的汽车,去郊外搞什么说不出名堂的野餐。Its whereabouts are known by the parents at all time, and no unaccountable junketing around the countryside in some boy's car is allowed.