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慷慨的赏赐,却不予转交?The bounteous largess given thee to give?

那交给你转交给别人的厚礼?The bounteous largess given thee to give?

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她慷慨,只赁给宽宏大量的人。The bounteous largess given thee to give?

金先生喜欢慷慨赠予的贵族气派。Mr. King liked the lordliness of giving largess.

我国人民不需要富国的慷慨的赠与。Our people are in no need of richer nations' largess.

一些分析师担心国家的慷慨资助可能被证明是福祸参半。Some analysts fear the state's largess could prove as much bane as boon.

国债规模的庞大也反映了美元作为世界储备货币的地位。Its largess is a reflection of the U.S. dollar being the world's reserve currency.

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国王已经就寝了,他一直非同寻常的高兴,并且给您和您的随从们送去了一份厚礼。The king's abed, he hath been in unusual pleasure and sent forth great largess to your offices.

且目前没有理由指望消费者会减轻对政府援助的依赖。There is also no reason to expect that consumers will become less dependent on government largess.

林先生说轻松的生活状态很大程度上得益于东京电力的慷慨赠与,赞美之情溢于言表。Mr. Hayashi spoke with fondness about the easygoing lifestyle afforded a largely by the largess of Tokyo Electric.

让地方官员和有后台的人得以将巨额公共资金中饱私囊的贪腐或欺诈行为就不会得到曝光。Corruption or fraud that allowed local officials and the well-connected to pocket large sums of public largess won't be exposed.

那些没有如此紧迫需求的企业,就会出售它们所获得的配额,从而享受国会这份大礼所带来的利润。Those without such pressing needs will sell whatever allowances they are given and enjoy the profits that resulted from Congress's largess.

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当地的大学,如滑铁卢大学和劳里埃大学也受惠于RIM公司高管的捐助。The local universities, University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University have also benefitted from the largess of RIM’s top executives.

曾经叛逆的艺术工作者,比如说张艺谋,答应迈入曾一度鄙弃的体系后,大量的恩泽倾泻而下。Once-rebellious artists, like the director Zhang Yimou, have been showered with largess after agreeing to work within the system they once disdained.

纳税人的钱被用于救助这些毫不值得救助的失败的公司,国会成员对此非常震惊。Members of Congress are appalled by the prospect of taxpayer funds going to companies lavishing such undeserved largess on such a group of demonstrated failures.

在那些由当地森林居民和外来定居者混居的社区中,很少询问当地森林居民的想法,但他们感激所得到的任何工作机会。In mixed communities, of forest dwelling and settled peoples, the forest dwellers are rarely consulted, but are grateful for any employment of largess their receive.

但他又说,不太可能有很多在使用体育馆上,能超越上演一场好的演出和向外面的世界展示财富和慷慨的方法。But he said there was unlikely to be much strategy for use of the sports stadiums beyond putting on a good show and demonstrating wealth and largess to the outside world.

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这使一些非洲官员和长期关注非洲的专家感到担忧,他们担心失去的不仅是美国的影响力和慷慨解囊,还有通常伴随急需的基础设施项目建设而来的良好意愿。That worries some African officials and longtime experts, who fear the loss of American influence and largess — and the good will that is often produced by desperately needed infrastructure projects.