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下踢脚固体底部细节。Solid bottom detail beneath skirting.

翠竹环绕,瀑布飞泻。Skirting green bamboos and cascading waterfall.

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怪兽在壁脚板弄的洞会比较大!A monster makes bigger holes in the skirting board!

道路先是很陡峭,但是到了森林线以上,山脊上出现了瑞士海蒂式的草场。But above the treeline was a ridge skirting Heidi-style grazing land.

过了一会儿之后,我注意到绕着沼泽边缘的一条小路上有爪印。After several moments, I spotted paw marks on a trail skirting the muskeg.

台布和台裙必须无破损无污渍且平整。Table cloth and skirting must be well pressed without any stain and holes.

你们想回避这样的问题,但是回避不了。Maybe we're skirting rhetorical questions of that kind, but we're really not.

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尽管这一话题已经让人感到厌倦,梅特兰若想回避,就只能一无所获。Wearisome as this topic has become, Mr Maitland achieves nothing by skirting it.

滚压时不伤地板,特别适合于滚压地脚线。Does not damage the material, especially adapted to be used alongside skirting board.

墙面用水基快干明漆打底,并用标准软木壁脚板把墙包起来。Walls are covered in quick-drying, water-based gloss and clad with standard softwood skirting.

他们绕着水边走,最后来到了麦克阿瑟将军独坐远眺水天一色的地方。They came at last, skirting the water's edge, to where General Macarthur sat looking out to sea.

用在波纹管,过滤袋,百褶裙等产品的生产。It is utilized in the manufacturing of bellows, filter bags, accordion skirting and other products.

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过了一会儿,我们缓过气来了,有点尴尬地谈起了工作和周末的那些事情。We recover somehow and have a slightly awkward chat about work and skirting around the events of the weekend.

我记得当我1岁多的时候,我坐在步行器上抄近路的时候因为太快撞到了踏脚板上磕破了脑袋。I think when I was one and a bit I took a corner too fast on my walker and smashed my head on a skirting board.

首先在墙面底侧钻孔,为安装地板踢脚线做准备。First, the bottom side of the hole in the wall, skirting board in preparation for the installation of the floor.

婚礼的车队是在走向巴士底的行列里,沿着大道的右边。The wedding carriages were in the file proceeding towards the Bastille, and skirting the right side of the Boulevard.

但是,年轻的体操运动员一般体重较轻,更容易做一些动作,而且,有些教练也认为年轻的运动比较不怕受伤。But there is a lure to skirting the rules. Younger gymnasts are often lighter, making it easier to perform certain tricks.

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那一刻,小爱先是震住了,委屈地跑到篱笆处,牵起单车就往前面蜿蜒的小路冲。At that moment, Xiaoai was shocked. she ran to the fence injuredly and pull her bicycle to rush for skirting path in front.

它再现了流动的生活空间结构,结合了房子的踢脚板将其形式格局。It recreates the structural flow of the living spaces, incorporating the pattern of the house's skirting board into its form.

沿著猫罗溪河川高滩地,一边是堤防一边是青草地,加上还可以远看南投市的绿美桥,风景相当漂亮。Skirting the edge of the river, the path features some nice scenery, with the dyke on one side and fields of green on the other.