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第四次拉特兰会,在1215年,是至关重要的。The fourth Lateran Council, in 1215, was of crucial importance.

英国是第一个付诸实践的法令拉特兰理事会。The English were the first to put into practice the decrees of the Lateran Council.

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教宗在罗马的约翰拉特兰大教堂举行了一个洗脚仪式。The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome.

曾在拉特郎圣若望大学获教会法及民法博士学位。He holds a doctorate in canon and civil law from the University of St. John Lateran.

她的情郎使她怀了孕,并且在从圣彼得教堂至拉特兰宫游行过程中分娩。She became pregnant by her lover and gave birth during a procession from St. Peter’s to the Lateran.

两千年后在一位犯罪研究专家的带领下进行的一项的调查揭示了一个完全不同的故事。Two thousand years lateran investigation headed by a leading criminal profiler uncovers an entirely different story.

本该在拉特兰会议上引起特别关注的改革工作从未认真开展。The work of reform, which should have claimed special attention at the Lateran Council, was never undertaken seriously.

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第一项教义是在1215年召开的第四届拉特兰会议上确定的,即宇宙乃在是时间开始时从无中被创造出来。The first was the definition at the Fourth Lateran Council in the year 1215, that the universe was created out of nothing at the beginning of time.

拉特朗大殿从一开始就被奉献于至圣救主基督,后来,圣洗者若翰和圣史若望被追封为共同主保。Lateran Basilica was first dedicated to Christ, the Most Holy Savior. Later, St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist were added as co-patrons of the cathedral.

许多许多的引文,从希腊和拉丁美洲的父亲提出在拉特兰会和在其他场合是定论,但他们中的一些是不够清楚。Many of the numerous citations from the Greek and Latin Fathers adduced at the Lateran Council and on other occasions are inconclusive , but some of them are clear enough.

1929年当时的教宗庇护十一世与墨索里尼政府签订「拉特朗条约」后,教廷在现代国际法上的主权国家地位始告确定。In 1929, Pope Pius XI signed the Lateran Treaties with the government of Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, giving the Vatican its status of a nation under international law.

不过,十九世纪末义大利统一后,旋即签订的拉特郎条约赋予梵蒂冈在罗马境内的一小块被包围的领地与国家主权,做为承认义大利的交换条件。However, the unification of Italy in the late 19th century and the ensuing Lateran Agreement gave The Vatican a small enclave within Rome and statehood in return for recognition of Italy.

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它于1929年由教皇庇护六世和意大利的维克托?伊曼纽尔三世签署拉特兰条约后成立,它自行发行货币和邮票并且拥有自己的报纸和广播设施。Created by the Lateran Treaty signed by Pope Pius XI and Victor Emmanuel III of Italy in 1929, it issues its own currency and postage stamps and has its own newspaper and broadcasting facilities.