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“头晕眼花”这个词念起来很好玩。"Groggy" is a fun word to say.

而反之,我就会感觉有点头晕眼花。If I don’t quite hit REM, I may feel a bit groggy.

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两个小时后,伍醒了,感到脑袋发晕且很不舒服。Two hours later, Mr Wu woke up feeling groggy and uneasy.

这会影响睡眠以及让人觉得昏沉和暴躁。It can affect your sleep and make youfeel groggy and grumpy.

那桌子非常不稳。我想桌脚应该快断了。The table is very groggy . I think the leg is going to fall off.

那快肿瘤压迫着脑壳,可怜的姑娘,叫她昏头涨脑的。The tumor presses on the skull, poor girl, and makes her groggy.

但他叔叔此时睡得迷迷糊糊的根本反应不过来,开了门以后就回到床上钻进被子�去了。But his uncle was too groggy to respond, and he slid back under the covers.

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他们次早醒来早餐,仍宿醉而头脑模糊。They woke up for breakfast next morning with a hangover and feeling groggy.

昨晚我头痛欲裂,现在还是头昏昏的。B. I had a splitting headache last night and I still feel rather groggy now.

老鼠会逃进杂草丛里,因吃了太多的甜食而步履不稳,并感激我们的怜悯。It will stagger off into the weeds, grateful for our mercy and groggy on too much sugar.

怎样防止因为你的决定使得工作形象不佳而感到后悔呢?How do you prevent your groggy self from making decisions your working persona will regret?

老郑在静安寺的院子里昏昏沉沉的坐着,之江交代兄弟们在屋里埋伏起来。LaoZheng yard groggy in jing an temple sitting, zhijiang metasomatism brothers in the ambush.

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婚礼的前一天她做了痔疮手术,所以我猜她的身体仍然会有些虚弱。She’d had an operation for hemorrhoids the day before, so I guess she was still a bit groggy.

那种昏昏沉沉的状态和自然醒来的轻松感简直没法比。That groggy state contrasts sharply with the rested feeling you have when you wake up naturally.

我对此有很多借口,所以也许这就是为什么我一早起床还是觉得很困的原因。I have a whole range of excuses for that. So maybe that is why I still feel groggy in the morning.

但如果是被从深度睡眠中唤醒,那恰恰相反,你会觉得头晕眼花。But if you wake up during another phase of sleep such as delta sleep, you’ll feel groggy or drowsy.

白天觉得昏昏欲睡如果你醒来一段时间后觉得头昏眼花,浑身无力,那么也许有一个潜在的情况——你病了。If you are waking up feeling groggy after a long period, an underlying condition could be to blame.

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我的意识还是很清醒的,只不过在刚睡醒的头一个小时有点昏昏沉沉。It was still pretty good, and I felt fully functional, but sometimes I was a little groggy for the first hour.

乙醚让他头晕目眩,船板颠簸摇晃更让他几欲呕吐,恍惚间,他觉得有重物绑到他脚上。Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs.

一旦你的身体消化了这些没营养的过度加工食物,你就会昏昏欲睡。Once your body burns up the rush of nutrient-deprived, over-processed foods, you will start to feel groggy and lethargic.