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我折叠起笔记本,往图书馆走去。I folded my notepaper and headed for the library.

我折叠起笔记本,往图书馆走往。I folded my notepaper and headed for the library.

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我的电脑坏了,因此我只好使用信纸。G My computer is broken so I have to use notepaper.

你能看出凸印在信纸上的地址吗?Can you read the addresses embossed on the notepaper?

我看到了这个任务,是写在笔记本的半页纸上。I have seen it, written on half a sheet of notepaper.

我作笔记时是隔一行写一行。When I took notes, I left every other line on my notepaper blank.

说话间,他把一张皱巴巴的外国纸片扔了过来。He tossed over, as he spoke, a crumpled sheet of foreign notepaper.

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它被写在公司的信纸上,这肯定是经过批准的命令。This must is an official order it is write on the company's notepaper.

妈妈拿出钢笔、墨水、航空信纸,然后开始写起信来。She took the fountain pen, ink and air mail notepaper and began to write.

据便签上的地址,我找到了要采访的老人。I found the old man I need to interviewed from the address on the notepaper.

他用官方信纸写信推荐一个亲戚的公司。He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company.

带上纸和笔,当医生在处理你问题的时候,你就可以快速记下信息。Bring along notepaper and a pen to jot down information as your doctor addresses your questions.

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他无论如何也不能把信纸平整地插在打字机的滚筒上,他的手指抖动得太厉害了。He couldn't insert his notepaper into the roller properly, his fingers were shaking so violently.

这种带暗花的宣纸使用了“透光笺”的制作方法。This kind of xuan paper with hidden veins adopted the processing method of "translucidus notepaper ".

今天,我将重温几个我最喜欢的做笔记的方法,以及如何使你自己的笔记用纸符合你的需求。Today I'll go over a couple of my favorite note-taking methods, as well as how to make your own custom notepaper to fit your needs.

法国外籍兵团是按照皇家的一项法令建立的,这项法令记录在一小页法国陆军部公函信笺上,日期是1931年3月。The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9th, 1931.

回访1911年,前首相罗斯伯里公爵从一些标题信纸上划掉了志奋领,代之以“天堂”一词。VISITING in 1911, the Earl of Rosebery, a former prime minister, crossed out the name Chevening on some headed notepaper and replaced it with “Paradise”.

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想想问医生的问题,并记下它们。带上纸和笔,当医生在处理你问题的时候,你就可以快速记下信息。Consider questions to ask your doctor and write them down. Bring along notepaper and a pen to jot down information as your doctor addresses your questions.