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基林巴群岛,莫桑比克Quirimbas Archipelago, Mozambique

大裂谷全长9600公里,自以色列至莫桑比克。The Great Rift Valley 9600km from Isael to Mozambique.

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喀麦隆、莫桑比克和加篷处在第三梯队。Cameroon, Mozambique and Gabon tie at third from bottom.

那里是莫桑比克的首都,是个很美的地方。it's the capital of Mozambique and it's a beautiful place.

而且,木薯褐色条斑病仍在莫桑比克肆虐。And the cassava brown streak problem in Mozambique rages on.

在莫桑比克,只有一半的项目按计划进行。In Mozambique only half the projects were working as planned.

这些石器是在莫桑比克西北部一处洞穴深处发掘出来的。The tools were discovered deep in a cave in northwest Mozambique.

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刚果民主共和国目前还计划向莫桑比克出口电力。The DRC is also planning to export its electric power to Mozambique.

美国、东德、莫桑比克搞了个三边交易。The U.S., East Germany and Mozambique pulled off a three-way exchange.

莫桑比克是世界上许多面临此类挑战的国家之一。Mozambique is one of many countries in the world facing such challenges.

仅在莫桑比克,尼罗河鳄鱼每年就杀死约300人。Nile crocodiles kill an estimated 300 people each year in Mozambique alone.

马拉盖塔椒是一种红辣椒,在巴西,葡萄牙和莫桑比克广为使用。Malagueta pepper is a type of chilli used inBrazil, Portugal and Mozambique.

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该研究受到了莫桑比克政府与IRRI的合作资助。The research was funded by the government of Mozambique in partnership with IRRI.

莫桑比克仍然需要国际援助,还没有完全恢复,Baxter说。Mozambique still needs international aid and has not fully recovered, says Baxter.

来自津巴布韦、赞比亚和莫桑比克的约250家农户参与了辣椒种植试点。Some 250 households in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique are taking part in the pilot.

马尼卡省,一名淘金工人在他爬下进入到矿井时微笑着,莫桑比克。A gold miner smiles as he climbs down into a mine shaft in Manica Province Mozambique.

马达加斯加和非洲大陆之间莫桑比克海峡中的新胡安岛。Isle Juan de Nova in the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and the African mainland.

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其他发现包括来自肯尼亚的野生茄子和莫桑比克热带槲寄生。Other findings include a wild aubergine from Kenya and tropical mistletoe in Mozambique.

下一步的试验将扩展到布基纳法索、加蓬、加纳、马拉维和莫桑比克。The next trials will expand to include Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Malawi and Mozambique.

罗斯石油公司的谢欣,举个例子,20世纪80年代在安哥拉和莫桑比克从事翻译工作。Rosneft's Sechin, for example, worked as a translator in Angola and Mozambique in the early 1980s.