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请做得清淡些。Please do it more insipidity.

那么压抑,生活是如此的苦涩无味。So depressed, life is so bitter insipidity.

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适合搭配清淡些的食物,单饮俱佳。Suitable for collocation insipidity food, odd drink and taste.

为什么最近的白带像浆糊无色无味?Why does recent leucorrhoea resemble sizy and colorless insipidity?

产品外观为黄白色细针状晶体,无味。The state of product is yellow white acicular crystal and insipidity.

聚会的枯燥无味恰如埃莉诺预料的。The insipidity of the meeting was exactly such as elinor had expected.

虽然你的生活顶平庸,你的日子都是平淡无奇的,然而你仍旧可以活出一个伟大的,非常的生命来。Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may live a great life.

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她注意到客人们由于对枯燥无味的谈话感到厌烦,脸上露出了无精打采的样子。She observed her guests'expressions glazing over with boredom at the insipidity of the conversation.

维拉注意到,客人们由于对无聊的谈话感到厌烦,流露出没精打采的神情。Vera observed her guests'expressions glazing over with boredom at the insipidity of the conversation.

同时它还具有粘结强度高、无毒、无味、无大气污染等优点。Moreover, it has other merits, such as high bond strength, innocuity, insipidity and no atmosphere pollution.

虽然你的生活顶平庸,你的日子都是平淡无味的,然而你仍旧可以活出一个伟大的,非常的生命来。Mediocrity is the law of your existence. Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity . Yet you may live a great life.

因而,历代以来许多学者对他进行过不少的研究,论证最多的就是关于他的“平淡”诗风,题材的开拓之功和他诗歌理论的贡献。This thesis will study mostly his insipidity of poetic style, his pioneering spirit on subject matter and his contribution to poetry theory.

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对清淡之美的推崇是中国古代一种普遍的审美心理,尤其是在中唐以后的士大夫阶层中。Canonizing the beauty of insipidity is a widespread mentality in ancient china esp. among the scholars and officials after middle tang dynasty.

对清淡之美的推崇是中国古代一种普遍的审美心理,尤其是在中唐以后的士大夫阶层中。Canonizing the beauty of insipidity is a widespread mentality in ancient China, esp. among the scholars and officials after Middle Tang Dynasty.