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他是一个不怀恶意的人。He was a harmless sort.

它们大部分是无害的。Much of it is harmless.

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这通常都是无害的。This is generally harmless.

年夜麻看上往像是一种无害的福寿膏。It seemed like a harmless drug.

大部份的红潮是无害的。Most of the red tides are harmless.

看上去面目狰狞,但不会伤人。Their dog seems fierce, but he's harmless.

那只看起来很凶的狗其实不会伤人。That mean-looking dog is actually harmless.

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那些海豹是如此的可爱跟无辜。These seals are so loveliness and harmless.

她逐渐养成一些无害的癖性。She developed a few harmless eccentricities.

但激光闪耀器并不完全无害。But the dazzlers weren’t completely harmless.

但是很快,他们发现牛是没有危害的。But soon,,they found that the ox was harmless.

他们是老交情,开些玩笑并无伤大雅。They Laojiaoqing, more open and harmless joke.

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那仅是一次无伤大雅的恶作剧,仅次而已。It was just a harmless prank, that's all it was.

炸弹爆炸使几个无辜行人受伤。The bomb blast killed several harmless passers-by.

那颗炸弹炸死了几个无辜的过路人。The bomb blast killed several harmless passers-by.

无关的空语句并非总是无害的。Extraneous null statements are not always harmless.

贝尔彻和她的研究小组以一种叫M13的无害病毒做实验。Belcher and her team took a harmless virus called M13.

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这种药剂杀菌但封宠物和人无害。This drug kills germs but is harmless to pets and people.

为什么我会对一个无害的男孩子那么笨拙和紧张?Why had I been so clumsy and nervous around a harmless boy?

你可以在这儿放一条没毒的蛇,但可别放老鼠。You can put a harmless snake in here with me, but not rats.