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显微镜下Crohn病的特点是穿壁性炎症。Microscopically, Crohn's disease is characterized by transmural inflammation.

梗死是透壁性的即累及心肌的全层。The infarction is "transmural" in that it extends through the full thickness of the wall.

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采用特定M细胞岛形分布观察心室激动的跨壁传播特点。The specific dispersion of M cells was used in the study of the transmural spread of action potential.

目的研究普鲁卡因胺对心室跨壁复极时间的影响。Aim To investigate the pharmacological effect of procainamide on transmural ventricular repolarization.

临床前试验已经证实,该系统能够在较厚的组织产生一致的透壁消融效果。Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that the ablation lines are consistently transmural in thicker tissues.

在MTGT中有2或3条透壁道,它是在EUS引导下于胰腺坏死腔与胃肠道腔之间被创造的。In MTGT, 2 or 3 transmural tracts were created by using EUS guidance between the necrotic cavity and the GI lumen.

左心室壁见大片陈旧性透壁性梗死。There has been a previous extensive transmural myocardial infarction involving the free wall of the left ventricle.

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这动脉体积的脉动性变化振幅会在跨壁压力接近零的时候达到最大。The amplitude of this pulsatile change in arterial volume would be maximal when the transmural pressure was near zero.

猛暴性阿米巴大肠炎是先由浅层之肠壁黏膜溃疡发展至全层肠壁之坏死,并合并有典型的烧杯状溃疡。FAC usually shows multiple sites of necrosis and perforation of the colon, ranging from superficial ulcer, flask-shaped ulcer to transmural necrosis.

在透壁压一定的伸长过程中,剪切弹性模量与轴向伸长比、轴向应变呈非线性关系。In the process of elongation at a fixed transmural pressure, the shear modulus was non-linear as function of the longitudinal stretch ratio and strain.

只见于全层坏死的征象是肠壁积气,其他征象均可见于不同病因、不同程度的肠缺血。Except that pneumatosis was only seen in transmural infarction, all the abnormal CT findings were found in different patterns and different degrees of ischemia.

当脉动流经过乳胶管时,如果跨壁压力为负,则乳胶管就被压瘪,其截面积和截面惯距都将减小。If the transmural pressure of a latex tube containing pulsatile flow is negative, the tube will collapse with its cross-sectional area and moment of inertia decreasing.

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急性MVT在肠缺血尚未导致透壁性肠坏死、肠穿孔时,抗凝溶栓治疗可行,如有急性腹膜炎时中转手术。Anti-coagulation and thrombolytic therapy for MVT is feasible when the initial diagnosis is certain and bowel infarction has not let to transmural necrosis and bowel perforation.