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务必要记得,在引用不同论点和证据时,要加上。Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations.

务必要记得,在引用不同论点和证据时,要加上注脚。Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations.

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非法证据是指含有违法因素的证据材料。Illegal evidence is an evidentiary material with illegal factors.

符合第三条第一项第一款、第二款及第七款之证明文件。Evidentiary documentation of compliance with Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 2, and 7.

法院专员的报告,其证据价值亦有争议。The reports given by court appointed commissioners raise problems regarding their evidentiary value.

最初,只有那些足够复查的标准证据样品才被允许这样使用。Initially, only standards and evidentiary samples with sufficient material for retesting were permitted.

无罪推定最初表现为一种富有人权保障价值的证据法原则。Presumption of innocence was initially an evidentiary principle having the value of human rights protection.

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但是,此条款具有习惯与实务上无上的价值。However, such provisions are of evidentiary value insofar as they bear upon questions of custom and practice.

近日,静安法院通过一份电话录音证据材料,最终证实了卖房人毁约。Recently, a telephone recording through Jingan court evidentiary material, and finally confirmed by real people broken.

要做到在提出全部证据之前保持中立往往也是件困难的事情。The task of remaining neutral until the evidentiary presentation is complete is often a difficult one for the judge as well.

据法院有关人士介绍,住户难以起诉供热公司的主要原因是取证困难。According to the court relevant source, it is difficult to prosecute household heating companies mainly evidentiary difficulties.

凡是有利于诉讼或仲裁的任何书证、物证及其他证据材料都应当收集。All conducive to any litigation or arbitration documentary, physical evidence and other evidentiary material should be collected.

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在诉诸法律的过程中,消费者个人处于明显的弱势地位,不仅取证困难,且检测费用较高。Recourse to the law in the course of consumer in a vulnerable position, not only evidentiary difficulties, and testing costs higher.

为这三个男人去年十一月阿肯色州最高法庭的一个新法官和新检察官举行了一个新证据的听证会。Last November the Arkansas Supreme Court granted a new evidentiary hearing for the three men this December with a new judge and prosecutor.

证据裁判与自由心证两大原则构成现代证据法的基石。The foundation stone of modern evidence law is composed of the principles of evidentiary adjudication and discretional evaluation of evidence.

在该案里,最高法院裁决,在纽约的福利受益人被终止享受福利项目之前,应向他们提供证据性的听证机会。There the Court held that welfare recipients in New York had to be afforded an evidentiary hearing before they could be terminated from the program.

听证是现代行政程序法的核心制度,是相对人参与行政程序的重要形式。Hearing is the core system of the modern evidentiary procedure law, which is an important method for people to participate in administrative procedures.

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然而,既然行政法法官的裁定是记录的一部分,那么复审法院在评估行政机关最后决定的证据时,就必须考虑行政法法官的裁定。However, since the ALJ's decision is part of the record, the reviewing court must consider it in evaluating the evidentiary support for the final agency decision.

第一章阐明了船舶碰撞诉讼证据采证规则的内涵,并且探究船舶碰撞诉讼证据采证规则的法律价值所在。Chapter one expounds the intendment and the legal values reserved in probing into rules of evidentiary admissibility and weight in respect of ship's collision at sea.

第五条转入方应当保留获得域名持有者申请变更域名注册服务机构授权的有关证明材料。Article 5 The transferee shall keep the relevant evidentiary materials authorized by the holder of the domain name for applying for changing the domain name registrar.