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我命令我的潜艇潜航。I ordered the submarine to snorkel.

苏亚雷斯会不会戴着脚蹼和通气管上场踢球?Will Suarez be playing in flippers and snorkel.

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上次我们来没有去跳水和浮潜好可惜哦。It's a pity that we didn't dive and snorkel last time.

他还将在手潜泳学费和狩猎。He will also be on hand for snorkel tuition and safaris.

这是戴呼吸管的完整划臂动作。This is full stroke swimming with a front-mount snorkel.

今天,拉古娜像往常一样,已经将游客送去海洋公园进行浮潜。Today we have brought out guests there to snorkel as usual.

看起来很酷的坐在旁边向液压升降台在船帆的上限。It looks pretty cool sitting next to the snorkel in the sail cap.

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抓斗进行您的液压升降台,并准备要在管理单元的一些最异乎寻常的妇女在地球上。Grab hold of your snorkel and get ready to snap some of the most exotic women on earth.

利用呼吸管做三到四次的深呼吸,尽可能地使用上述的技巧。Use your snorkel to take three or four deep breaths , utilizing the techniques described above.

你也可以游泳,浮浅或在蓝天白云下躺在沙滩上,聆听海的旋律。One could swim, snorkel or just laze on a quiet beach of pure white sand under bright blue skies.

海豚快艇的顶鳍内部埋设有一根长的通气管,这根通气管为飞艇提供空气。Seabreacher has a long snorkel concealed within the top fin which provides an airflow into the boat.

图片显示由螺丝固定在护舷和整流罩的撑架也系在浮潜装置上。Image shows bracket bolted to fender and cowl piece attached back to the fender after installation of snorkel.

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当潜泳的观光客吐著气泡经过时,整群的小梭鱼和鲷鱼,从阴暗锈蚀的战舰残骸中窜出。Shoals of jackfish and snapper emerge from the gloom of the scuttled, rusting warship as visitors snorkel past.

当我们在澳洲时,可到大堡礁,在许多天中尽可能的一天浮潜二次。While we are in Australia, we can go to the Great Barrier Reef and snorkel twice a day for as many days as possible.

一个基本的原则是永远不要独自潜水或潜泳,尽可能通过旅行社预订。A basic rule is never to dive or snorkel unaccompanied. Where possible make any bookings through your tour representative.

游泳时用通气管呼吸水面上的空气可以保存气瓶气体,但当西恩被船冲入水中时他却吸进了水。Swimming with a snorkel can save air in your tank, but whenthe blow from the boat shoved Sean under water he immediatelyinhaled water.

大卫·都必烈若有所思。当时他戴着挂有豆瓣菜的面具和通气管,正在新西兰齐膝深的春季灌溉用溪水中拍摄鳗鱼。David Doubilet mused while photographing eels in New Zealand, knee-deep in a spring-fed creek, watercress dangling from his mask and snorkel.

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从草坪上的初学踢球至潜水课程以及儿童俱乐部里的编篮学习,酒店给游客留下的将是永远的美好家庭记忆。From pick-up football games on the lawn to snorkel lessons or basket-making in the Kids Club, Round Hill creates long-lasting family memories.

对于一个普通的旅游外国或当地流行菲律宾旅游票价将是潜泳某处巴拉望或晚上在苹果。For an ordinary tourist—foreign or local—a popular Philippine tourist fare would be to snorkel somewhere in Palawan or a night's out in Malate.

六个探险船可载着乘客接近瀑布景点,邮轮携带的直升机也可带着乘客到偏远的池沼捕鱼或潜水。Six expedition vessels carry passengers up close to waterfalls and the onboard helicopter can take passengers to remote billabongs to fish or snorkel.