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今天云达不来梅对战切尔西。Heute spiel t werder bremen gegen chelsea.

他极力向我推销店里卖的一台电脑。He gave me some spiel about a computer he had for sale.

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不要只是滔滔不绝的说广告词藻,否则你很快就会失去这些追随者。Do not just spout marketing spiel or you will quickly lose followers.

我已经把我患AIS的情况告诉过我的前两任男朋友了,所以我也像往常一样跟他明说。I'd told two previous boyfriends about my AIS, so I launched into my usual spiel.

小组领会到了降低期望值的力量,给Yume一段新的自白。The team has learned the power of lowering expectations and given Yume a new spiel.

算了。我来给你们讲个更好的故事,比那些推销的陈词滥调好得多。You know, I'm gonna tell you a better story about captivity than the regular old spiel.

那些孩子可以流利地背出所有总统的名字,可是他们真正懂得自己国家的历史吗?The children can spiel of the names of all the Presidents, but do they really understand their country's history?

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或许他们没有发现,因为那时那地我已经看到了一切,要是他们知道,迎接我的肯定是滔滔不绝的呵斥之词。Maybe they didn't find it necessary to give me the spiel because I'd already gotten the picture right then and there.

他喋喋不休地高谈阔论,中国多么艰难得提高自己经济发展水平来克服大面积贫困。He provided a long spiel about how hard China is working to promote its economic development and overcome massive poverty.

由于地位低微,你辖区内的罗姆人只够格出现在参加你关于建立国家演说的人员名单上。Being underprivileged, the Roma in your region were just ticked off enough to listen to your spiel about starting a new country.

如果你读到在网站上的这则消息,很快就会意识到,很明显表明切尔西已经建造了全欧洲最先进的训练设施之一。If you read the spiel on the website then it quickly becomes apparent that Chelsea have built one of the finest footballing facilities in Europe.

可能最重要的原因是SdJ奖项的成功,因为它强调游戏的质量,策略和玩家的交互性。Perhaps the most substantial reason is the success of the Spiel des Jahres award, which stresses quality, strategy, and human interaction in games.

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那位美方发言人发表了一通高谈阔论,大讲中国外贸企业如果想增加销量,就必须改进出口产品的包装。The American gave a long spiel about how the Chinese foreign trade corporations needed to improve the packaging of their export goods if they wanted to increase their sales.